Importance Of Teaching English As A Written Language

1371 Words6 Pages

As part of teaching and learning foreign language, written language has been regarded as a primary means of communication for several centuries; and academic writing has been viewed as an example of linguistic excellence, mediated mainly through written language. It is suggested that one of the major characteristics of successful academic discourse genres is authors ' ability to use metadiscourse resources (MRs) effectively. Metadiscourse facilitates social interactions which contribute to knowledge production within disciplines and because disciplines are different, its use and meaning varies among disciplines. The present study aimed at comparing the metadiscourse markers used in the two fields of applied linguistics as a social science and mechanic engineering as a basic science. Hyland’s (2005) model of metadiscourse was employed as an analytical framework to examine the frequency of metadiscourse features in these research articles. The results of Independent samples t-test showed that the articles in applied linguistics tend to use more metadiscourse markers, especially interpersonal ones. The findings of the study can provide a sound basis for the development of pedagogic materials.

Key Words: academic writing;; metadiscourse markers; research article

Among the language skills taught, writing is the most neglected skill in teaching English as a foreign language

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