Interpretivism Theory In Sociology

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One has to look at other Theories before one can start finding answers, As suggested by Klein, Myers, 1999, interpretivism approach uses following principles, "The Fundamental Principle of the Hermeneutic Circle which refers to the philosophy of understanding and interpretation, The Principle of Contextualization, The Principle of Interaction between the Researchers and the Subjects, The Principle of Abstraction and Generalization, The Principle of Dialogical Reasoning, The Principle of Multiple Interpretations, The Principle of Suspicion". Phenomenology is used to explain world by directly experiencing the phenomena or Logic. Weber used directly or indirectly used four different methodological traditions referred in field of sociology are …show more content…

As Ghoshal, 2005 says When in totalled from overall perspective, meaning in essence Social Scientists carry greater social and moral responsibility than natural or physical sciences scientists as social sciences deal predominantly with Humans and behaviours. Social Scientists and Theorists can't hide any ideology or Theory as one belong to a different school of thought, hence One can look at the below other important theoretical basis for this article. As per Parsons, Merton, Germain, Gitterman, SYSTEMS THEORY is one which includes ecological systems which How humans interact with their social setting and environment, Humans are in continual transaction with their social setting or social environment, can they shy away from the setting?, Systems are interrelated parts constituting an ordered whole system where in each subsystem impacts all other parts and the whole system. Systems can have closed or open boundaries but finally systems tend towards equilibrium thus maintaining social balance. Quoting Bowen, Satir, Minuchin, Carter and McGoldrick, Family Systems can be defined as the one which focuses on How the family system affects the individual and family functioning across the life-span of any Individual functioning shapes family functioning and family systems can create 'pathology' within the individual boundaries, roles, communication, family structure influence family functioning. Furthering the Theoretical background S. Freud, Adler, Jung, Horney, A. Freud, Kernberg, Kohut, Klein, Mahler, Bowlby where in they define Psychodynamic Theory as that involves Classical psychodynamic theory, Ego-psychology, Object-relations theory, Self-psychology which inturn defines How human inner