Jesus 16-17 Analysis

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As an application to their present situation, I pointed out to them that verses 16-19 applies to their life. Jesus wanted not only desire to have a good relationship with them, but He first exposes their sinfulness in order that they (Filipinas) may come and humble themselves in true repentance to receive forgiveness and restoration in Jesus. Finally, I told them to live their lives in obedience to God’s and to devote themselves in the work of the Lord as their spiritual worship.
20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.” 21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. 22 You worship …show more content…

Verse 20, the woman is talking about where to worship God (Is worship important to us?), Verse 21Jesus is telling the woman to trust Jesus and His word. (Do we trust Jesus and His word? Verse 22, Jesus is saying that Samaritans worship a false God and that they should worship the God of the Jews (Do we worship the true God?) Verse 23, Jesus is saying that the fulfillment of God’s prophecy has come and that God is seeking people to worship Him in Spirit and in truth (Do we really know the truth?) Verse 24, Jesus is telling the woman that they should worship God in Spirit and in truth for God is Spirit and He is truth (Do we worship God in the truth?) Verse25, the woman speaks of His hope in the Messiah, who will reveal all the spiritual truth about God when He comes. (Do we know what we hope for in our life) Verse 26, Jesus has revealed Himself to be the Messiah that she is waiting for (have we accepted the truth that we should live according to this …show more content…

Therefore, I emphasized to them (Filipinas) again that it is imperative that they welcome the Holy Spirit in their lives and to depend on Him completely to lead them to a meaningful understanding of God that satisfies the spirit. However, they do not know the Holy Spirit and His participation in their lives that I have introduced them to the spiritual working of the Holy Spirit through the following conditions:1) He leads believers to praise and worship God; 2) He convicts believers of their sins and sin of unbelief and He guides them to live in righteousness; 3) He seals believers guaranteeing their belonging to God; 4) He empowers believers to witness, teach and prove unrighteousness ; 5) He enables believers to understand the word of God and to pray to God; 6) He gives life and strengthening to believers existence. Therefore, I advocated them to live under the leading and the empowering of the Holy Spirit in order that they will not succumb to the desires of their

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