Hobbes Social Contract Analysis

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This is the basis of the state and it is maintained by the social contract. Hobbes’s social
contract is more than consent or concord; it is a real unity of them all, in one and the same person, made by covenant of every man with every man (L.2.17.13). People create a covenant representing their unity called the Leviathan and that covenant establishing through sovereignty. There is two ways to attain the sovereign power in Hobbes political philosophy. The first one which is called a government by acquisition used by men to govern someone’s children to destroy them if they refuse or by war to subordinate his enemies to his will with a natural force. The second one is when men agree amongst themselves, to submit to some man, or assembly of men, voluntarily, on confidence to be called government by institution
(L.2.17.15). Because our main topic is related to political issues, in this text, we will focus the relation between sovereign and its subjects.
The rights of sovereign are determined by institution (L.2.18), therefore the sovereign cannot be a party to the social contract. The parties of covenant are the subjects’ relations with the sovereign and each other. Moreover, all the liberties of subjects are transferred to

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