National Identity Theory

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2. Statement of the Problem Based on the background of study, the problem is: 1. How is Indonesian national identity represented through sport in Djarum advertisement badminton scholarship version? 3. Objective of the Study The objective of the study is: 1. To know about Indonesian national identity through sport that represented in Djarum advertisement badminton scholarship version. 4. Significance of the Study The writer hopes this study can be useful for the reader, especially for students of culture studies in English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga, who wants to do a research about national identity through sport in advertisements using Alan Bairner’s sport and national identity theory, and semiotic from John Fiske …show more content…

Sport and national identity theory more focus to the types of society rather than in sport itself (Bairner 164). Sport can determine the identity of a nation, but the main important point, how is the society accepting these phenomena. Sport always has relationship with national identity formation such as ethnic, gender, race, sexuality, age, social class, etc. (Bairner 163). The concept of Bairner theory is focus to analyze about the relation between sport and the society of a nation. This theory more acceptable to be use for analyzes a country that consists from multicultural country like Brazil and America. So this theory discuss about ethnic, gender, race, sexuality, age, social class, and then related them to sport and nationality (Bairner 163). The second theory that the writer use in this study is semiotic proposed by John Fiske. Semiotic Fiske is suitable for analyze popular culture like moving picture. Semiotic from Fiske will be useful to get the representation of Indonesian national identity through sport in Djarum advertisement. This theory consists of three levels of social codes, reality, representation, and ideology (Fiske …show more content…

The first data source, that uses in this study is a video that represented by Djarum. The video is about Djarum advertisement badminton scholarship. The writer know the data from television when one of the private station serving badminton competition. The secondary data, the writer uses some books about representation of sport and national identity, and semiotic. For example like a book from Alan Bairner and John Fiske. There are also some journals, or articles that can help this study as the additional information. 6.2 Technique of Data Collection The technique of data collection that will be used in this study is text analysis, which focuses on Djarum Advertisement Badminton Scholarship Version (2014) video itself. The writer browses the video from YouTube which is uploaded by Djarum itself. The writer analyzes the video by capturing the chosen scenes that related to the issue about sport and national identity. 6.3 Technique of Data

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