Organizational Ambidexterity Analysis

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Ambidexterity is the ability of an organization to behave as two different companies at once and so get the best of both worlds. This form of structural arrangement will position and allow the organization the ability to influence those parts of the environment over which it can exercise some control while adapting to environmental circumstances that are beyond control or too costly to influence. P170 TB

Organizational ambidexterity refers to an organization’s ability to be efficient in its management of today’s business and also adaptable for coping with tomorrow’s changing demand. Just as being ambidextrous means being able to use both the left and right hand equally, organizational ambidexterity requires the organizations to use both exploration …show more content…

Strategy formulation and implementation processes run over multiple years and for that reason strategic control cannot wait until implementation is completed but is rather an on going process embedded in many different function in the organization. Strategic control is the regulatory task of top management and any individual or group that controls keys actions of the organization. It determines whether or not they have any deviations from the overall plan or key changes in the environment that require corrective measures. Without strategic control organisations have no indication of how well they are performing in relation to their ultimate end point and desired outcomes. Strategic control keeps the organization moving in its intended direction and ensures ongoing consistency between the organization and it environment.
P 268-9tb

Importance of strategic control p 270 tb

Eg.1 Part of their strategic control was not to sell via a dealership. They set up exhibitions in malls etc were you could view and take the car for a test drive but could only order via the net. They cut out the middle man hence making the vehicle more affordable and enhancing the customer experience.

Eg2. Elelctric highways owned by Tesla.

Eg3. Open patents

Eg.4. Battery

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