Summary: Improving UN Peacekeeping Operations

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FAISAL SUHAIL 2/11/2015 Instructor name:TRIDIP BARDALAI Peacekeeping or peacekeeping operations could be defined as a set of tools which are used to overcome the conflict and maintain harmony.It includes legitimacy, burden sharing, and an ability to deploy and sustain troops and police from around the globe, integrating them with civilian peacekeepers to advance multidimensional mandates.
UN peacekeeping provide the countries tools or support to help them ease their difficulties and overcome the various conflicts which are going own. UN Peacekeeping is guided by three basic principles:  Consent of the parties;  Impartiality  Non-use of force except in self defense and defense of the mandate. …show more content…

The Head of Mission reports to the Under-Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations at the UN Headquarters.
The Secretary-General also appoints a peacekeeping operation’s Force Commander and Police Commissioner, and senior civilian staff. The Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Department of Field Support (DFS) are then responsible for staffing the civilian components of a peacekeeping operation.
UN do not have its own army or force it takes help of the member states in order to provide military or police personals to assist in the following missions.These personals wear their countries uniform but are identified as UN peacekeepers by a Blue Helmet or beret and a badge. The Secretary general will then provide regular reports to the security Council of the mission. It was in the year 1948 when the Security Council authorized the deployment of UN military observers to the Middle East ,the UN peacekeeping began.The role of that mission was to monitor the Armistice agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbors,this operation was began to be known as the United Nations Truce Supervision

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