
Organ Transplants Controversy

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On December 23 1954, the first successful living-related kidney transplant took place, taking the medical world by storm. Organ Transplants have been experimented with since the 1800s, but by the 20th century, they were finally successful.(U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). Despite the common controversy of organ transplants, the decision on whether they are ethical is ultimately up to the patient. For organ donor recipients, organ transplants are often a second chance at life. Some people spend their whole lives struggling with one part of their body, which is holding them back from their everyday lives. When organ transplants take place, they often receive that second chance at life they’ve always wanted. An example of someone who got that second chance is Charity Tilleman-Dick, an opera soprano whose an advocate for organ donation, and has had two double lung transplants. “I 'm alive today because a family in Ohio turned their tragedy into a miracle. Life should be a relay.” (Through Organ Donation) This woman got her second chance because someone donated. These transplants offer many people the possibility of a redo, to their already failing life. It also offers them to be able to do things that they’ve never done before. She uses the example of a relay, meaning people should be able to have their turn to take a run around …show more content…

(Neergaard) What he is saying is that these people (specifically children) live their whole lives within a hospital or even just with complications. But with the transplants these children can finally live a normal life. Another example of a better life is Isabelle Dinoire, a french woman who got a facial transplant, expresses in an interview the gratuity she felt after the surgery. (Fox) A dog had torn her face off and this procedure made her feel confident in how she looked

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