Persuasive Speech On Food

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A: Summary
According to a report from the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers, up to half of all the food produced worldwide ends up going to waste due to poor storage, transport and harvesting. In developed economies, such as in Europe, efficient farming methods mean that most of the wastage occurs due to cosmetic reasons. A lot of the food is thrown away because it has passed its sell-by date and because of the supermarkets rigorous food standards. However, the supermarkets are not the ones to be blamed, because it is, in fact, EU marketing rules. The aid agency “Save the children” says that there is enough food in the world to feed every child, but despite that, 2.3 million children die due to hunger every year. There is also an unnecessary waste of energy, fertilizers, land and water resources that were used in the production of food that end up as waste. But there is a positive message here. We can meet the growing population and demand of food, by reducing the waste. By reducing the waste, we would avoid cutting down more forests and planting crops. In addition, by cutting down the food waste we would yield enough food to feed the 9.5 billion people and therefor reducing food waste must be a part of a plan to meet that demand.

B: Discussion
Hunger is still one of the most urgent problems we face today, yet the world is producing more …show more content…

Meanwhile, more than 2.3 million children die because of hunger. We take our food for granted in the developed world. Since food is so plentiful, we aren’t aware of the huge amount that’s wasted and the impact it has on world hunger. Yet when it comes to ways to save the planet, food wastage is relatively easy to fix. It doesn’t require any new technology, just a different mindset. But how can we simply let so much food go to waste when 2.3 millions children around the world die as a result of hunger every

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