Physical Development In Early Childhood

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According to my parents, the years of my infancy were not easy and the most remarkable at the same time. I was the second child in a young family and my parents tried to give us all the best and spend as much time as possible with the whole family. They noted that I was very inquisitive, active and always in a wonderful mood, which made me very different from my elder brother who had a serious operation in an early childhood and was a very calm child.
This has taught me that every child is individual and special from early childhood and when we talk about child development we need to take this into account, to maintain the purity and freshness of the perception of the child as long as possible. What surrounds the child greatly influences him.

I came from the traditional Nuclear family that structure with two biological parents and older brother.
Parents told me that I tried to repeat the actions and words of my parents and my elder brother in …show more content…

I easily interacted with children in the neighborhood, my brother's friends and classmates. Simultaneously, I remember how we were taught to respect the elders and teachers. The adult is always right. You must listen to what the adult says to you: these is common quotes of that time. My first teacher was very serious and demanding. I loved her, but she was difficult with my moving character, talkativeness and curiosity. I got good grades, but a lot of comments on the behavior. I did not have a particularly warm relationship with her, there was a distance and mutual respect, but I got good knowledges and love to learning. At the same time, I did not perceive the distance as a personal dislike of me and did not take offense at it, I thought that probably should be so. The fact that adults can express love in different ways became clear to me in a more mature age. In addition, it was thе teacher who strengthened and encouraged my love of reading, for which I am very

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