Public Administration Theory

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INTRODUCTION Public Administration became a separate academic field from the 1890s which was no longer classified as political science. Public administration and governance is seen as the performance driven theory of operations within the government. According to Auriacombe (88:2014) states that “public administration theory originated mainly from administrative theory (bureaucracy, control, hierarchy, etc.) and political theory (power, authority, governance, etc.)”.
• Environment – McCurdy (1977:174) states that it’s “the whole environment in which the government and its institutions struggle to function effectively, efficiently and economically”.
• System Theory – Auriacombe (2014: 107) states that “is a valuable conceptual …show more content…

Seeing that communities must interact with public administrators so their social are integrated into a single thought, rather than by each individuals social experiences which may cause a backlog of service delivery. “Thus public administration is an on-going interaction that exists between society, institutions, administrative knowledge and the knowledge” Auriacombe (2014:99).
The environment is where all de interaction takes place between people and organisations. According to Auriacombe (2014: 3) states that “Government institutions operate in the same environment, an environment that is continuously changing, not only in terms of time but also in terms of place”. There is a mutual relationship between the government, society and the environment where they are all found. Although the objective of the organisation is to deliver service to the society, different departments work towards one goal and in a single environment. The diagram below illustrates how the relationship …show more content…

In a closed system an organisation with clear principle of communication and authority is a fundamental requirement. According to Auriacombe (2014: 20) elaborates “without departments, e.g for health services, public hospital services, provincial ambulances services, etc, health service would not have been delivered”. This shows that without proper communication between the departments basic services to the citizens could not been delivered and confusion would take control within the health department. “Work division is the foundation of organisation; indeed the reason for organisation” (Gulick in Garvey,

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