
Reasons Why The Constitution Should Be Ratified

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Back in olden times there was a war about the united states but did you know that it took away to write to constitution and to ratify it. The U.S constitution was to help the country agree on things and stay happy without wars. Ratify means to be approved. Yes the constitution should be ratified because of the bill rights, separation of power and talking about the bill of rights. I think this for these reasons. The constitution should be ratified because of the bill of rights of these reasons. he reason why I think that the constitution should be ratified because of the bill of rights because the bill of rights is for the freedom and what we need and what we need to carry with us. I think this because it 's true. The bill of right give us the freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition. In document E it states that the bill of rights for all of the 10 amendments for the all the U.S. citizens to have what they all need like freedom, to carry around their guns etc. …show more content…

The reason why I think the constitution should be ratified because of the separation of powers. All the branches had more than one job to do. The legislative(congress) writes the laws, confirms presidential appointments. The Executive(president) proposes laws, administers the laws and appoints ambassadors and other officials. Last the Judicial(supreme court) Interpret the constitution and other laws and reviews lower-court decisions. In document C it talks about how the U.S. constitution is separated in three parts/branches. The legislative(congress), Executive(president) and the Judicial(supreme

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