Religion In Life Of Pi

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The Life of Pi is a novel written by Yann Martel, that involves a young teen that is in survival after suffering a tragic ship accident. The novel is about a forty year old man who is involved in a ship accident, alongside many animals. The novel starts out with mostly Pi’s life story told from his point of view. The first part of the book is mainly describing his thoughts, beliefs, life, and the events that take place before the tragic accident Pi is involved in. Pi is remarkably connected to religion and zoology. Glimpses of the book are told throughout the early chapters on what is to come. Pi mentions Richard, who is the tiger that stayed with him for hundreds of days in the ocean. Later in the chapters we meet Ravi and Francis, who are Pi’s brother and uncle. Pi and his family soon move to Pondicherry in India where they buy a zoo. Soon as they move, Pi discusses his feelings towards living in a zoo. After moving to the zoo, Pi starts to get involved in religion and freedom more. Talks about religion are most notably told when Pi’s biology teacher Mr. Kumar visits his zoo. Alongside talks about religion, Pi compares humans and animals on their behaviors. More talks about religion and human nature turns Pi into a polytheistic. At a young age Pi adds christianity to his religion branch alongside hinduism. Furthermore, days pass and Pi comes upon Islam. Pi meets Satish Kumar, a baker who is also involved in a lot of religion. Together him and Pi pray together and share

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