
Rhetorical Analysis Of Chevron's Fresh Water

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As a global energy company in oil and gas industry, Chevron Corporation always plays a role in reducing waste and protecting the natural resource. Through establishing logos, ethos, pathos in the video clips and texts posted on its webpage of fresh water, Chevron is convincing its customers and business partners that Chevron fulfils its corporate responsibility to manage water and improve freshwater use efficiency.
In terms of visual elements, Chevron uses videos and words as mediums to show its customers and business partners how Chevron protects the environment by implementing the strategy of “recycled oil field wastewater” in Kern County and “the Richmond Advanced Recycled Expansion (RARE) Water Project” (“Fresh Water”). Chevron Corporation …show more content…

The website develops its argument by using logical reasons and credible examples. On the website of “Fresh Water,” it has a clear thesis statement in the last sentence of the first paragraph, which is “…improving our water-use efficiency and… managing water-related social and environmental impacts” (“Fresh Water”). The whole argument is developed based on the improvements in water-use efficiency and management of fresh water. Furthermore, the webpage provides some credible evidence to support its main idea. For example, Chevron initiated a “water risk assessment” used to evaluate the potential risk of local water (“Fresh Water”). It also established water-related metrics as a tool to measure and track water consumed in 2014. There is also a link at the end of the second paragraph for viewers to check more information about metrics. Moreover, the Chevron site provides two videos as examples to stress their methods of reducing waste and increasing water-use efficiency. Precisely, “Producing Energy and Oranges” is designed to convey Chevron’s innovative way to covert the produced water to fresh water for agricultural use; “Recycling Water at Richmond Refinery” clarifies how Chevron refines waste water and then gives back to the community to use by implementing the RARE project (“Fresh Water”). By using strong reasons and examples, the webpage develops its argument in a well-reasoned

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