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This list shows all acronyms and abbreviations used in this report.
FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham
US: United States of America
UNDP: United Nations Development Programme
IPC: International Poverty Centre
IFAD: International Fund for Agricultural Development
MoA: Ministry of Agriculture
MoI: Ministry of Industry
PPP: Public Private Partnerships


This section will be introducing the thesis which is about “The role and modalities of international organizations such as FAO for the development of Agribusiness in Lebanon and Iraq”. The …show more content…

When we talk about agribusiness we will be looking into details in its value chain since most of agricultural lands are turned into business as it is a considerable source of income. Agribusiness represents the joint business activities that are done from farm to fork. It covers the supply of agricultural inputs, the production and transformation of agricultural products and their distribution to final consumers. Agribusiness is one of the main generators of employment and income worldwide. Agribusiness is characterized by raw materials that are mostly perishable, variable in quality and not regularly available (FAO, 2014). Consequently one should analyse and take into consideration the agricultural sector as the backbone of agriculture that is turned into trade and business. This agribusiness sector is thus highlighted by an important proportion of small holder farmers such as dairy business farmers whom need help to …show more content…

Lebanon is characterized as a country coming out of a long civil war, and recently in 2005 from the Arab Spring with important political and economic instabilities, and even armed conflicts in the Northern region of the country, in Particular in Tripoli due to the Syrian conflict, and lately by Lebanese army conflicts with ISIS trying to enter Lebanon by the Bekaa Valleys - Ersal. Similarly Iraq is also coming out of a war in 2003 and the withdrawal of the U.S army forces in 2011 which left the country with political and socio economical instabilities. Recently a new group of Jihadists and Sunnites extremists similar to Al Quaeda, the ISIS, was formed in Iraq and is creating terror, wars and segregation of people mainly based on their beliefs and religion

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