
Similarities Between Julius Caesar And The Lightning Thief

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The theme displayed in The Lightning Thief and the play, “Julius Caesar” exerts the amount of betrayal displayed in these texts. Throughout the stories both are subject to many betrayals through which the protagonist must power through in order to achieve their respective goals. In The Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson is betrayed by Luke because he stole the Lightning Bolt from Zeus in order to cause chaos. On the other hand, Julius is betrayed by his closest friends when he plots his plan to seize power, he doesn’t realize his closest allies have betrayed him by making a plan to kill Caesar in order for them to seize power. In the play, “Julius Caesar” and the book, The Lightning Thief, Caesar and Percy are both betrayed by those they had thought they could trust the most. The theme of betrayal in strong in both of these narratives. Percy Jackson, the protagonist of The Lightning Thief, is strongly betrayed by his friend’s boyfriend, Luke Castellan, because Luke despises the Gods because he believes his father, Hermes, had betrayed him and the idea of power and the ability to start without the gods “Precious Western Civilization” compels him to join Cronus in order to overthrow the gods and begin a …show more content…

The antagonists in both of these narrations utilize the same techniques in order to betray those who have power that’s obtainable. Although Percy Jackson and Julius Caesar’s goals were not the same, the goals of their antagonist are quite clearly the exact same thing. The actions committed by Luke and Brutus display that people who have an immense amount of trust in their friends should know that quite often this leads to betrayal and in some cases even death. The adventures of Percy Jackson, and the tragic story which is that of Julius Caesar, display one unique theme,

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