Technology Development In The Middle Ages

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I. History of technology development.
The development of technology has been passing through many periods and still developing . The rate of technology’s development in the old periods was very slow then it increased rapidly during the different periods specially the modern one. Each age is more complex and more advanced than the one before it.

A. B.C period:
1. stone age a. The old stone age b. The middle stone age c. The new stone age .
2. Bronze age
3. Iron age
B. The middle ages period
C. The modern ages period : 1. The early modern period 2. The late modern period

A. B.C period :
The early life was very cruel and people were nomadic . They suffered from a turbulent life …show more content…

Stone age :
The Stone Age lasts for 2.5 million years . During this period humans completely depended on stones which were the most common materials in this period and started to shape and use them in making their tools . The Stone Age divided into three ages: Old Stone Age, middle Stone Age and the new Stone Age

a. the Old Stone Age: It started from the beginning of humanity and lasts for 10000 BCE. Man tries to make flakes from stone for cutting and scraping then these tools started to be more complex. He made these tools not only for living but also to use it as weapon for hunting. At this period he discovered how to use stones to make fire also.

b. the middle stone age:
It started from 10000 to 4000 BC. At this period textile , carpentry and ceramics have been developed …show more content…

the modern period: ( from the 16 th century till now )
The modern period includes the industrial revolution which is one of the most important events that occurred during the technology’s history . The industrial revolution which started in the 18 th century in England was a great transition from the human power to the machine power , from the handicraft economy to the industrial economy . The factory system appeared and new sources of energy including fuels and motive power were used . The use of science applications and technology extended to all fields and important improvements achieved in industry , agriculture , transportation and communication .
As a result of all this , there was a complete change in the humans psychology as they acquired new skills and focused in how to get the maximum mass production with higher quality saving both time and materials .

Health :
Birth , sickness , and eventual death are aspects of life that face all of us and of course every body wants the best health care services for his family . One of the most important uses of technology is providing high quality health care systems . Many medical researches are made and new technologies are used to find suitable ways to overcome and treat the diseases that decimated the human along the history . Nowadays , technology becomes a major component of the health care

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