The Benefits Of Informal Settlement In The United States

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Who are the informal settlers? They are the people who are living illegally on lands that they do not own without permission from the owner. Informal settlers do not live alone, mostly they live in groups. Informal settling is the result of lack of opportunities. People tend to migrate in other places because they cannot find jobs for their families. They are finding jobs in other places to provide for their family and the migration causes the over population in highly urbanized areas in the country. Informal settling is the only option of workers that cannot afford to rent a decent house near their work place. Most of the informal settlements are located near factories or a workplace (Understanding your Informal Settlements, n.d.). In owning property, there are many reasons why it will make everyone’s life easier. First is that there will be no landlords that you need to think. Second, you have the freedom to do whatever you want and there is no law that will make you stop from doing things which makes you happy. Third is the peace of mind that you have reached your goal in earning your own house. And, most especially you will have a peaceful place where you can run into in times when life becomes complicated (Benefits Of Owning Your Own Home, n.d.). People who are living in their own property have a more conducive lifestyle. They could choose to do what they want in their property. Informal settlers are people living in slum places. They are living in deteriorated

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