
The Impact Of The Lowell Mills On The United States

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The Lowell Mills started out in Lowell Massachusetts, The Lowell Mills was founded in the early 1820’s. they were founded by Francis Cabot Lowell. The women that worked there were between the ages of 15 to 35. the women worked for around 13 hours each day. The girls would work about 20 hours a week with very little pay and poor service. The girls also had half an hour for breakfast then they would go to work in the mills. The Lowell Mills Girls did cotton spinning and weaving in the mills. The girls had enough one day and went on strike in 1836. The Lowell Mill girls went on strike because mill owners reduced wages and speeded up the work pace.

The Lowell Mills had a big impact on the U.S. because women could work for the first time ever. The Lowell Mills hired young single women between the ages of 15 to 35 to work in the mills. The girls would work about 20 hours a week in the mills. One day the Lowell Mill Girls went on strike because they found out that the wages would be cut down the mills were shut down and the girls were no longer working in the Lowell Mills. Single women were chosen because they could be paid less than men. …show more content…

because it taught women a new way how to live and work. The Lowell Mills Girls had half an hour for breakfast every day. They worked for about 13 hours each day and they had very little pay. The girls were supervised by older woman called “Matrons.” next the young girls were expected to educate themselves. In addition had to take care of their families, work, and educate themselves all in one day. They were very tired after they finished according to a girl who worked in the Lowell

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