Self Efficacy Study

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Motivation for Reading and Middle School Students’ Performance on Standardized Testing in Reading Motivation for reading can be influenced by a variety of factors. Younger students tend to have a high self-efficacy for reading with influence from extrinsic motivation. However, they are not the same as their adolescent counterparts. With over half of eighth graders failing to achieve certain levels of proficiency on nationwide test, the dire need of addressing literacy instruction and motivation of struggling readers at the middle school level is more pertinent than ever (Mucherah & Yoder, 2008).
Motivation is an essential aspect of reading. Previous research has noted a link between motivation to read and academic achievement. In the study, …show more content…

In comparison, their honor student counterparts scored highest in reading comprehension as measured by MAP and had a higher average score of general perception of self-efficacy compared to the special and general education students. The results indicate a moderate correlation between general perception of self-efficacy and reading comprehension. The relationship between self-efficacy and reading comprehension demonstrated by the data warrant educational implementation of strategies that foster self-efficacy in the classroom could lead to improvement in reading …show more content…

Mobile learning specifically relates to the use of tablet computers, laptops, smartphones, personal digital assistant devices, MP3 devices, and other portable devices (Yorganci, 2017). Due to the rapid expansion of technology and its place in our 21st century society, students must be readily able to use this technology. Their attitudes towards technology play a role in students’ acceptance of its use throughout classrooms. The results of Yorganic’s research indicated that students in general had a positive attitude toward the use of mobile learning and identified it as being beneficial to learning. In regard to mobile learning attitudes, students’ mean score ranged highest on questions related to the following: easy access of course material, assistance in completing coursework, and provides opportunities to learn (Yorganic, 2017). The benefits of mobile technology can be an asset to the classroom and enhance student

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