How To Reduce Unemployment Essay

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Unemployment can be one of the worst moments in your life and it can cause you to feel sad and desperate. But you should treat is just as it is: a moment. It isn’t a permanent state and it isn’t a sign of failure on your part. Unemployment can and most likely will affect us all – the key is to know how to get past it and to make the most out of this temporary state of being. In this guide, I want to guide you through some of the smart things to do when you’re unemployed. These will make it easier for you to move beyond being jobless, improve your future resilience in the job market, and help you maintain sanity and emotional wellbeing doing this testing time.

1 Get organised

Unemployment sucks, period. You don’t want it last too long; you …show more content…

• Network with contacts from 2.30pm to 4pm.
• Prepare your To Do list for the next day at 4pm.

Stop worrying about job hunting after your day is done and spend the rest of the day doing something fun. All of your days probably won’t look like that, as you want to include time for other activities that help with job hunting. For example, instead of spending two hours writing applications, you could study online or read industry related blogs and books. The key is to organise your daily schedule around activities that directly or indirectly boost your chances of finding a new job and leaving enough room for relaxation and having fun.
Indeed, unemployment gives you an opportunity to look at your lifestyle and sort out your habits. Is your diet unbalanced? Do you spend too much time sitting on the couch? Then spend some time sorting it out, learning about healthy eating and exercise. Clear your flat and get rid of all those extra things (and people!) that are holding you back and adding clutter to your surroundings and mind. Organising the life around you can help you focus more on your career and help you find your dream job quicker.

2 Consider your career

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