
The Kid In The Corner Office Summary

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Julie Hanus wrote the “The Kid in the Corner Office” which made many assumptions about our generation in the workplace. She simply thinks that we are self-centered and generally only think about instant gratification and ourselves. Which she believes makes us near useless in the workplace, because we are afraid of taking risks. She also believes that our generation has become one that skips from job to job in search of more praise from management. Counter to this Hanus states that our generation is loyal to our employers. I disagree with Julie Hanus and feel that her article is in ineffective, because her sources seem unreliable and many of her statements were made off of assumptions that she herself had made about our generation. What Julie Hanus thinks of our generation is best summed up as, “They’re clamoring for quick …show more content…

Apparently, we do this because we are never pleased with where we are. However, Forbes says: But for newly minted college graduates, job-hopping can speed career advancement. According to a paper out of the St. Olaf’s Sociology Department entitled “Hiring, Promotion, and Progress: Millennials’ Expectations in the Workplace,” changing jobs and getting a promotion in the process allows Gen Y employees to avoid the “dues paying” that can trap workers in a painfully slow ascent up the corporate ladder. (Forbes) I pulled a quote from Forbes, because I believe it to be a very reliable resource. Millennials are job-hopping not for personal enjoyment, but rather to avoid being laid off and to advance in our career field. I think this could be avoided if employers allowed job flexibility and listened to their employees more. Many employees feel like their management does not listen to them and the things that they want. Thus causing an unstable job environment. When employees feel like they cannot be heard it makes them want to

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