
The Role Of James Madison's Arguments In A Large Republic

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1. How does James Madison describe "factions"? James Madison describes “factions” as a number of citizens (could be of majority or minority of society) who are in unity over a common impulse, passion, or an interest. The thing could be a permanent and aggravated interest of the community as a whole. With factions being brought in because of civil ideals and ways. James madison believes that the given nature of man, factions are/is inevitable to happen. He sees things as long as people having different opinions, with different amounts of wealth, property, etc., those people will continually associate among people just like them. So in general James Madison defines “factions” as citizens united by some sort of passion or interest or impulse. 2. Why does Madison argue in favor of a large republic? Explain. In small republic there is less choices and less of a voice to be given for the people. With a better fit for characters to have a representation for the public’s voice. In a larger republic …show more content…

Madison talks about how a small republic has less diversity in thought and choice. Which can be true with smaller groups there is more people so with more people comes more ideas. For example Vatican city which has a very small population and very similar ideas vs America, a country full of many ideas people and political parties. A large republic overall brings out more diversity because of larger numbers the more likelihood of more ideas and cultural influence. Madison also talked about how there is a smaller chance of electing a “bad” candidate. I also agree with that notation somewhat because there are more voices and people to stop something like that from happening. But if they all were muted that could cause an issues (if one group were to rise above all). Overall though I agree with the idea of less of a majority and more options (as in

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