The Theme Of Revenge In Lies By Michael Grant

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When reading Lies by Michael Grant, many theme concepts become clear, but the concept of revenge was very strongly represented. After looking at the events of the book related to this concept, it seemed clear that the author established the theme of “while seeking revenge, dig two graves, one for yourself.” The first time this theme became apparent was when Zil and his crew burned down Sherman Street where the freaks are staying. A freak is a negative name for a FAYZ citizen with supernatural powers. This name was created by Zil during a freak hate spree. They don’t like the freaks because they killed Harry. The town is divided between freaks and non-freaks. Zil and his crew hate them and want to kill them all so the “normals” can rule. In the book it says, “‘Death to freaks!’ Turk Shouted. ‘Light up!’ Hank cried.” This shows that they are going to kill the freaks with a sort of bomb. After Harry was killed by Hunter, Zil wanted revenge on the freaks and that’s what triggered him. This is a dangerous territory to attack because Sam is the leader and he can strike with his “powers” at any time he wants. One strike and Zil is …show more content…

Zil and his crew have been causing a lot of trouble around town recently and nobody has put a stop to it. They have killed or almost killed many kids. Zil is starting to take charge of the FAYZ, and by doing this he plans to kill freaks because of what they did to Harry. However burning down an entire street has gone way too far for Sam. Sam wants to get revenge on Zil and his crew by killing them. The only way to get them to stop all this madness is to kill them which is what Sam decided. Sam shot Antoine in the leg with his powers, and he soon plans to kill the rest of Zil and his crew. This applies to the theme because Sam could possibly get killed while trying to battle Zil since he has a large group of people on his

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