
Tim Tebow's Influence On Religion

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Tim Tebow is acknowledged by many as the greatest player in the history of college football, after being traded by the Denver Broncs in 2010 his number fifteen has become the league’s highest selling jersey. After Denver Broncs traded Tebow to the New York Jets in early 2012, Tebow continued to be featured in sports media. The most popular shows on television from Saturday Night Live, to Jimmy Fallon has featured Tebow and his religious gestures. In Tebow’s eyes, his success comes from God as it says in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world he gave his one and only begotten son, that whoever believe’s in him will not perish but have everlasting life.” Tebow’s religious gestures are both loved and resented. One example of Tebow’s religious …show more content…

Some believe religion is meant to be private to many because they do not want their children seeing an athlete make a religious gesture during America’s favourite pass time. Tebow’s behaviour is polarising because he appears to ignore or at least not acknowledge that the world of religious belief is complicated and diverse. Given the highly public nature of Tebow’s conspicuous piety, no wonder that thoughtful people are troubled by either his ignorance or his unconcern with how belief, both private and public, should come to grips with facts about religious diversity. (Watson p 232) Tebow seems to be a cultural phenomenon as much for his religious beliefs as for his sporting prowess. Born in the Philippines in 1987, the fifth child of Baptist missionaries, Tebow’s childhood was steeped in the morals and values of evangelical Christianity. Tebow seems to be a great guy that uses his love for God and his love for football to spread religious news to the world. Another example football player Colin Kaepernick, now on the San Francisco 49ers quarterback made a statement during the National Anthem at a football game that others have joined him by sitting or kneeling during the

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