
Integrative Leadership Style

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The study of leadership was only studied at an in-depth level from the beginning of the twentieth century when leading academics began applying the scientific approach to the study of leadership in a business and organisational context. Before this period the subject of leadership was only studied under the context of a historical analysis and in military studies. (Mark E. Mendenhall, 2008) There have been numerous theories on what it takes to be a strong leader and how a successful leader can lead an organisation and its employees in the future. There are five different types of leadership styles: trait, behavioural, power-influence, situational and integrative approaches. However, for this essay I will only briefly describe the trait approach …show more content…

It was first developed and inspired by the professor James Mc Gregor Burns back in (1978) in his book leadership which was a study of political leadership. At the time he was describing the different dimensions of Transformational leadership and Transactional Leadership. Transformation and Transactional Leadership was described by Mr James Gregory Burns (1978) that Transactional leadership appeals to the moral values of followers in an attempt to raise their consciousness about ethical issues and to mobilise their energy and resources to reform institutions and organisations. Transactional leadership motivated followers by appealing to their self-interest and exchanging benefits. (Yukl, 2014.) Burns also developed a third type of leadership called bureaucratic leadership which was emphasised on the respect for rules and tradition in an organisation which is common in bureaucratic organisations like semi state organisations. They tend to be very hierarchical in nature and top heavy with managers and can be very slow in making decisions and rules and regulations are very important. (Yukl, …show more content…

We can further explore traditional charismatic traits and some new relevant developments and theories in the framework of leadership such as emotional and social intelligence in the context of technology leaders. To further explain. I will discuss Bill Gates mainly and Steve Jobs to illustrate and understand these theories further. Bill Gates was born in Seattle Washington state USA in 1955. He is considered to be one of the greatest business leaders in technology in the past twenty years. He dropped out of Harvard College and setup Microsoft in 1975. He had a creative vision and goal that one day every business and home would have a computer and every computer would be installed with his software on it. It would eliminate and replace the need for the traditional typewriter in the home and in the workplace. This vision was before the internet became popular in 90s. (Anon., 2016.) Microsoft first main operating system was launched back in 1985 with the launch of windows 1.0. The launch of windows 95 in 1995 was one the main starting point for Microsoft towards the basic daily use and function of a word-processing program in computers at home and in the office. (Anon.,

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