
Tuckman's Theory: Social Dynamics

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After gathering the team, the team will go through the first three steps of the team development before even beginning to get work. The first three steps are forming, storming, and norming. There are two stage models that explain this idea. The first stage model is name Tuckman’s Theory- Social dynamics in the team stages, in which the teams takes a longer time in order to go through forming, storming, and norming. The second stage model is name the Punctuated Equilibrium Model- Temporal (time-based) aspects of the task, in which the team goes through the first three steps at an instant. Forming is the process in which teams will acquaints and establishments ground rules. Formalities are preserved and members are treated as strangers. A small orientation within the team is held in this step. Some can stay this is the most important step in which the team will either take Tuckman’s Theory or the team will be able to accomplish the task ahead in a much faster rate in the Punctuated Equilibrium. After the team goes through forming the team goes into a form of unproductive step called storming. Storming is where members start to communicate their feeling but still view themselves as individuals rather than part of the whole team. They resist control by group leaders and show …show more content…

In Tuckman’s Theory forming, storming and norming tend to take a much longer process compared to the Punctuated Equilibrium model. Punctuated Equilibrium model tends to have all three steps shoved into one phase where close to little of amount time is needed to be in phase 2 of the model, where performing and adjourning are found. In a quick fast pace work environment, the Punctuated Equilibrium model is idea due to such a rapid transition into the first three steps into the final two steps. Tuckman’s Theory is usually for teams that have more time for the team to complete their desired

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