Want Essays

  • Shoot For What You Want Not What They Want Analysis

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    well known and thought by many to be the best runner in the world Usain Bolt once said ,”Shoot for what you want, not what they want.” Usain Knows what he 's talking about. He has ran in the Olympics and received gold medals many times. He had no one that told him to shoot high. He learned this himself and applied it to full effect. People should always set their mark as high as they want because it feels good to work hard, there is beauty in trying, and if one shoots high and misses no one can say

  • Why I Want To Be A Nurse

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    decent field and at times is very interesting with the situations that arise. However, I would really like to become a nurse. I have always enjoyed the idea of helping people and as a nurse I can get to do that on a personal level. Another reason why I want to be a nurse is because there are a variety of assignments within the field and it pays well. Despite these facts, my husband is against the idea. He says that it would be a waste of all the education and experience that I have gained in my

  • I Want To Be A Mentor Essay

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    Patelle Fong 11R04S Mentor Application 1. Why do you want to be a mentor and what would the role involve? I think that being a mentor would be benefitting to me because I would like to help more people, and I want to help others because I can sometimes tell whether or not another person is upset or feeling a certain way, even though I never asked them what was happening because I did not have the confidence to. I think that being a mentor would help me gain more confidence in myself to help others

  • On The Want Of Money Rhetorical Analysis

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    William Hazlitt composed his passaged, “On the Want of Money” to express that “one cannot get on well in the world without money”. Although many believe money is not necessary to be happy Hazlitt provides his audience with a substantial argument that money is needed to live happily. Within Hazlitt’s sharp excerpt, he uses several different rhetorical strategies to strengthen his argument and express his views on the importance of money. Money in fact, is very important to each person since in

  • Gentle And Want Wear: Poem Analysis

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    this supports what I believe the theme is because he his looking for details one why he should choose the path that he wants. I believe that he his choosing his path from finding details he is noticing to get to the right path that he wants to be in. He is paying close attention on which road he wants to take, one mistake can never be fixed but we can try to make it better so he want to choose the right one and not mess up because you have to

  • Explain Why I Want To Be A Marine

    603 Words  | 3 Pages

    I want to be a marine because I want to serve my country and I want to earn the title of United States Marine. I would like to help people in other countries. I would also like to join because there is a lot of benefits if you join like you could get free college. And you would get paid a certain amount each month once you retire. You also get free health care and other things. I will be going to Fike high school I’m going to take marching band and jrotc. I’m taking marching band so I can play an

  • Why I Want To Be A Peneutic Essay

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    would like to donate money to organizations that save animals and stop animal cruelty. I would also like to volunteer at a veterinary hospital that my mom’s friend owns. I wish I could be part of the humane society at this age but I can’t. Some day I want to become a vet myself and help animals. I would like to help poor people because they don’t have a place to call home and they usually go without food for the day so I would like for them to have a nice warm meal at

  • Why I Want To Study Journalism

    887 Words  | 4 Pages

    related or anything else for that matter, I always put my heart and soul to it. Many of my friends and teachers would call me over-ambitious, but I do not see that as a negative designation. Something I have learned through experience is that if you want something, you have to work for it. Going to an elementary school with a history of royal children attending, such as our crown Princess Victoria, as well as many talented students, put a lot of pressure on me to succeed. I managed to graduate with

  • Waste Not Want Not By Bill Mckibben Analysis

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    First , many people have heard of the phrase “Go Green” which basically stands for recycling and reducing the amount of waste. “ Waste Not, Want Not” is an essay written by Bill Mckibben. He goes into great detail about how wasteful America really is. I couldn't help but agree with this essay because the things we do in our everyday life are slowly destroying our earth. We as Americans often get more of things than we need. Although we have gotten better with going paperless, we still have a long

  • Personal Narrative: I Want To Be A Loger

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    I Don’t Want to Be a Logger Living in Cascade, Idaho, I am familiar with going out and getting wood to keep us from freezing to death. Last year when we went to get wood, it was in the winter. I refused to go and work in the snow so I just pretended to be sleeping. The trick didn’t always work, but most of the time it did. My uncle is a logger, so he tells me crazy stories, like almost falling off a cliff, dragging heavy chains up big hills, giant boulders, and lots of medical bills. Working as

  • Why I Want To Be An English Teacher

    771 Words  | 4 Pages

    to the conclusion that your program best suits my research interests. I hope to employ the methodology of conversational analysis to study classroom interactions and examine how the details in conversation can influence learning motivation. I also want to look into how teachers can increase students’ learning motivation by acquiring knowledge in TESOL classroom practices, pedagogical English grammar, and second language

  • I Want To Go Back To College

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    Now, my priorities have changed, so now I can finish what I have started. To better myself will help my future for not just me, but my family as well. I want to have a degree in something that I love doing. I do not want to have just a job. I want to have a career. I love bettering myself, too. If I can better myself so will my kids. Also, I want to learn more about the career that I love doing. Bettering myself will make mine and my family lives better. Financial stability is the second most important

  • I Want To Be A Speech Pathologist Essay

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    I want to help children be able to succeed in every way possible because of what I saw my cousin go through. I am willing to go wherever help is needed as a speech pathologist to help people succeed. I do not know if I will pursue a higher degree than masters, but I have considered it as I realize that if I want to help teach it will be necessary. I plan on earning my degree in three years since I will spend

  • Why I Want To College Essay

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    what I love, and which makes a positive impact on the world. And I am still searching. So far, in the positions in which I have worked, I have been content, I have been good at what I did, but I have not found a job or position that I truly love and want to do for an entire career. I did not feel like I really belonged. First and foremost, my goal by applying to college is to gain the necessary skills- and, of course, the degree(s,) to start a career that I love. At the end of high school, I thought

  • Why I Want To Travel Essay

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    Ever since I was young, I’ve always wanted to travel around the world, but unfortunately, I didn’t grow up with enough money to travel and go on vacation like others may have had. So instead, I stayed at home and wrote stories about traveling to various places on the Earth and fictional places that allowed me to pretend that I was traveling. Never in a million years did I believe that I would have the luxury and ability to go to a university that allowed me to travel to such extravagant and exotic

  • Why I Want To Be A Mentor Essay

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    Why do you believe you are a good fit for the Peer Mentor position? I enjoy helping people be more like themselves. I feel indebted to the University of Saint Francis for helping me grow and live the life that lives inside of me, and I would like to give back that feeling of self-awareness to others. I have positive energy, good communication skills, and a growth mindset. I work well one-on-one and in a team setting. I enjoy being a part of something bigger than myself and having the opportunity

  • Why I Want To Be A Color Guard

    646 Words  | 3 Pages

    As a child, I was always extremely passionate about dance as a mode of expression for myself. However, my family’s financial situation never permitted me to take proper classes, and for a while I felt that a dream within myself had been crushed. When high school rolled around, I searched for an activity that would satisfy my dance needs and stumbled upon the extracurricular activity Color Guard, which consisted of flag, rifle, and sabre spinning. I grew excited at the idea of joining an activity

  • Why I Want To Be An Operation Smile

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    After volunteering on two missions with Operation Smile in Ghana, West Africa, I decided I’d like nothing more than to become a Program Coordinator for the organization. Operation Smile is a medical non-profit that provides cleft lip and palate repair surgeries to children worldwide, and also raises awareness of these services within the target community. As a Program Coordinator, I would have had the opportunity to organize medical missions, bringing a diversity of volunteer professionals together

  • Why I Want To Be A Dentist Essay

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    A lot of people when they hear they hear the word dentist they get scared. This is because some people don’t like to go to any doctor because they are scared of needles. They are also afraid of the thought of getting their teeth pull. It is astounding that a lot of people say that they don’t go to the dentist until there is something seriously wrong. Your teeth is the only bone in the body that is visible. It is important to take care of your teeth because once you lose your teeth it is gone.

  • Personal Statement: Why I Want To Dance

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    why I want to lead.Especially this group of girls. One reason being this group of girl’s have become my sisters.I want to work harder and I feel as though leading will help me achieve that goal.I also, want the girls to work harder and become better dancers.I want them to always have a say in what type of dance we learn or what type of outfits we wear. I also, want to lead the team because I want to encourage others that want to dance that they can do it if they set their mind to it .I want the members