
Was Ancient Greece Better Than The Middle Ages?

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With the ancient civilizations dating back to 5000 BC the time gap inbetween the middle ages effects why the middles ages was very different. The ancient civilizations were the stepping stones to the medieval times and in lots of the ways the middle ages was very similar to the ancient times. But here are some reasons to how the middle ages were different to the ancient civilizations.


When people compare the middle ages and the greek times they instandly think that the middle ages were worse because it was considered the "dark ages" where people died and it was a dark and gloomy era. But when ancient Greece is protrayed in fiction it is often through the eyes of the wealthy, not the thousands of slaves or the ones who were so poor they wished to be slaves because they at least got food. They also talk about the philosophers or great thinkers, giving off the impression that education was widely spread, they rarely show the superstition or ignorance that the vast majority of greek citizens had. In the …show more content…

They would usually build buildings with stone and use tilted roofs whereas the medieval structures, not including churches or palaces, they would build with wood with thatched and shingled roofs. Facts also say that the romans had a more complex system of taxation and government administration.

But even though some of the civilisations had things the middle ages didn't... the medieval ages had more developed technology. For instance, medieval buildings included the gothic pointed arch, groin vault, and flying buttress, allowing them to build higher walls. Also the middle ages created the building blocks of capitalism, different kinds of business partnership, and letters of credit. The list could go

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