
Was Herbert Hoover A Good Than Good Essay

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Herbert Hoover was the 31st President of the United States. He was elected into office seven months before the stock market crashed in 1929. Hoover had to deal with the Great Depression during his Presidency and he was not re-elected, getting beat by Franklin D. Roosevelt. I believe that Herbert Hoover was an okay president, with more bad things during his Presidency than good. He was good because he got the Americans to believe him at the beginning of the Depression and he made the “Star Spangled Banner” our national anthem. He was bad because he couldn’t get Congress to agree with him, nothing he did helped stop the Great Depression like he wanted, the Hoover-Stimson Doctrine failed, and his incident with the Bonus Army proved American’s …show more content…

In his speech, he claims, “Any lack of confidence in the economic future...is foolish.” He believed that Americans should stay optimistic and should continue ‘business as usual’. After his speech, Americans began to believe that depressions like this were just part of a country’s business cycle. They thought that periods of rapid growth, like the Roaring 20s, were just naturally followed by sudden periods of depression. People thought that the best thing to do was to do nothing about the depression and the economy would fix itself. I think that Herbert Hoover did a good thing when he gave that speech because he was able to get people to believe him and agree with him. Our 31st President was not a good Chief Legislator. Whenever Hoover disagreed with Congress’ ideas, and wanted to Veto something, the Veto would almost always, if not always, be overturned by voting in Congress. No matter what Hoover did, he couldn’t win against Congress whenever they argued about something, which is the reason why I believe that Herbert Hoover was a really bad Chief …show more content…

In 1932, Japan was gaining territory in Manchuria, China, and planned on seizing the entirety of Manchuria. Japan was ignoring the League of Nations demanding them to stop. The Hoover-Stimson Doctrine, created by Herbert Hoover and Secretary of State, Henry Stimson, was a policy of not recognizing Japanese territorial gains should Japan and China sign a peace treaty. This Doctrine failed, resulting in Japan laying siege on Shanghai. Hoover and Stimson resulted in writing a letter to Senator William Borah, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In the letter, they warned that if Japanese aggression in Manchuria continued, the United States would be able to revoke the arms control agreements it had signed with Japan over the previous decade. This halted Japan’s attack on Shanghai, but had little effect on the Manchuria crisis as a whole. Hoover was able to stop one part, which was good, but failed at stopping the entire thing, which was

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