
What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Us Constitution

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United States Constitution Ever since 1787, the U.S. constitution has remained one of the most influential and important documents in the history of the United States. It set the foundation for which this great nation could be built upon, and there have been more than one hundred countries that have used it to model their own constitutions upon (Constitutionfacts.com, n.a.). There were a lot of very critical elements and circumstances involved in its creation. The Revolutionary War (1775-1783) that we fought against Great Britain resulted in the Treaty of Paris being signed, which gave the U.S. the authority to govern itself in 1783. The U.S., four years later, was still not united though. The U.S. was under a confederation, that is, the states were all sovereign and not ruled by one central authority for the nation. The power of the central government remained …show more content…

Some of the heads of states felt a transformation of the political to that of federalism-where central government is leading the states was completely essential. Ultimately the Articles of confederation would need to be changed (History.com Staff, 2009). After the American Revolution there was a lot of concern over what rights each state should have. There were numerous debates that led to the final creation of the U.S. constitution (Constitutionfacts.com, n.a.). Over the course of the next few sections we will be discussing those different areas of debate. Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution of 1787 In 1777, thirteen states had adopted the Articles of Confederation, after the American Declaration of Independence in 1776. It was recognized as the first official constitution of our country, but the problem was that it gave more power to the states than the central government (The Library of Congress, 2015). Sitting on upwards of $40 million in debt after the American Revolution,

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