
Why Is College Too Successful

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College can be without a doubt considered to be the key to success in today’s time. All of our jobs in modern society are very likely to require experience and even a degree in the field in most cases. There are a number of colleges in the world. Many of them have specific requirements for you to be accepted. These requirements can be lenient but also very strict. Are colleges too competitive? They have requirements for each student that in the administrator’s eyes each applicant should meet such as financial state, background of the individual/family, standardized test scores, and even in some cases a religious state of mind or race comes into play. College is important in every individual’s life. Should your key to success be limited because …show more content…

College is very important in life, especially in modern time. College is a level of higher education in which you attend at a university of your choice. Individuals go to college to major in what they want to do for the rest of their life, this is called a career. “The key factor may be not the degree itself but the degree earner, Mr. Stephens contended. It’s not that college creates success, he said. It’s that smart and motivated people in our society tend to go to college. I bet if you took those smart and motivated people and put them out into the work force, they would earn more than other people.” (The Choice, Epstein, Holly. 2012.) College allows you to do many things such as unlock opportunities, become more independent, and explore your life long options in the area of work force you want to pursue. “Thanks to all the knowledge, skills and experience you’ll gain in college, you’ll be able to adapt to a greater variety of jobs and careers.” (Collegeboard, “What’s it all about and why does it matter?”) “In fact, almost twice as many college graduates were able to keep their jobs as opposed to those with less education”. (Bright Hub, College Grad vs. Non-College Grad and Unemployment Statistics. Caron, Terry. 2010) College is competitive. College also has many requirements in which you have to meet as an …show more content…

When applying to some colleges you will not get accepted if you are not the religion in which they want you to be. This is taking it too far in my opinion. If this is your dream college and you have dreamed of going there all your life and you apply and they do not accept you because you are not what they want you to be. How would you feel? College is too competitive and this one of the reasons why. In other cases, people believe that college should take into consideration each applicants religion. They state this because they feel that a group of individuals who are alike tend to cooperate better together. On the other hand, I disagree, I feel that some of colleges positives sides are it being so diverse where you can meet new people who are not just like you so you will be able to determine what you want to do and what you want to be. Religion should not be a factor in determining your applicants for

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