
Why Is Prison Better In Prison

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In the documentary The Release it was saddening to see what happens to prisoners who have been diagnosed with mental illnesses. These people have committed serious crimes but even while they have committed these serious crimes we should set out to help these people and look more into the reasons why they have committed these crimes. Watching the film showed and proved with many of the cases that prison is not a place for the mentally ill.
While many of the mentally ill offenders were imprisoned and while there they have gotten medications they needed, they need more than just that. In the prisons they destroy themselves due to not getting the help they need which makes it not a place for people with mental illnesses. You see in the film that many of the men would be okay in prison because …show more content…

When they are released some of the cases in the film we saw they were sent to halfway houses, given 2 weeks’ worth of medication, and $75, how do they expect them do better under which the circumstance they release them into. These prisoners go from having their medications given to them to having to learn how to take the medications on their own and how to go obtain them on their own while no one is making sure or going to check up on them. Some of the mentally ill prisoners were released and put on parole which allows them to still be tracked while many maxed out they had nowhere to go where they could be watched, unless they were accepted or got into programs that could help them. The mentally ill in the documentary are released rearrested and put back in prisons this is the cycle we need to help stop because there is no growth for these people in need of help. This happens due to no support they have no supportive teams or family members while out on these

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