Doctor-patient relationship Essays

  • Professionalism: The Patient-Doctor Relationship

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    ‘The patient-doctor relationship is a privileged one that depends on the patient’s trust in the doctor’s professionalism’ The above quote is the introduction to professional conduct and practice section in the Irish Medical Council Guide for Registered Medical Practitioners, but it is also in essence the introduction to the most quintessential quality in the practice of medicine; professionalism. An image that will always resonate with me will be our introduction to Health in the Community (HC)

  • Doctor-Patient Relationship Model

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    This section presents the main areas of concern that influence co-creation of value in healthcare service delivery at the doctor-patient encounter level. The findings break the co-creation process into three to include: clinical encounter process, consumption experience, and value outcomes to respective actors. The encounter process The doctor-patient encounter in clinical consultations generates experiences that consequently influence the service outcome. Both actors were asked to share their

  • Influence Of Texting On Doctor Patient Relationship

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    well. And all this technology has led to a change in the doctor patient relationship. So how should you go about using the modern technology your patients expect while communicating with them in a way that doesn't come across as cold and impersonal? Well, it's really not all that hard, once you understand the many ways in which it can be done. And today I am going to give you a variety of ideas you can use to connect with your patients on a more personal level. Or at least as personal as possible

  • Metaphors And Models Of Doctor-Patient Relationship Summary

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    In James F. Childress and Mark Siegler’s article, “Metaphors and Models of Doctor-Patient Relationships: Their Implications for Autonomy,” they discuss the types of relationships in healthcare and how those relationships allow the physician and patient to interact to make negotiations. Childress and Siegler say that relationships are either between intimates or between strangers and that when it is between strangers there is a lack of trust because of the way physicians are viewed most days. Because

  • Pros And Cons Of Gene Editing

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    between potential and ethics draws the question; Is gene editing a cure and a beginning, or a beginning with a curse? With more research and studies, gene editing could potentially eliminate conditions and diseases. With gene editing, scientists and doctors will learn more about the human body. Right now, gene editing fixes broken genes that could potentially develop to cause diseases. As technology moves forward, gene editing could evolve into much more. For example, gene editing could possibly remove

  • Importance Of Strategic Planning In Nursing

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    response to proactive high performance as nurses, and that is a preferred state that our patients expect” (p.243). With strategic planning, the nurse administrator or the nurse leaders can develop or plan long-term and aspire big instead of depending or focusing on the immediate needs. Planning effectively for long-term can help the health care organization and nursing staff to meet the changing needs of the patients and tackle issues or daily challenges of the profession. During strategic planning the

  • Examples Of Participative Leadership

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    critical to advancing the nursing profession. All levels of an organization require strong nursing leader- ship to establish a healthy work environment. Strong leadership is particularly crucial at the point of care where most front line staff work and patient care is delivered. To develop the leadership skills necessary to support the development of

  • Mental Illness In Silver Water

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    “It won’t happen to you, honey. Some people go crazy and some never do. You never will,”(1). “Silver Water” is a short story about a girl with a mental illness that was written by Amy Bloom. The story is told from Violet’s, Rose’s sister, point of view about Rose and what she goes through. Rose has a mental illness and this story tells of the in and outs of not only Rose’s but her family’s struggle with her having a mental illness. Through this, we see how people with mental illnesses are treated

  • Importance Of Aspirations In Life

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    I strongly believe that Goals and aspirations are the foundation of a successful and fruitful life and for this reason I have strived to set firm goals for my life. These goals continually remind me to be focused and motivate me to excel. I have been brought up in a joint family in small town in India where we were taught the values of staying together and respecting each other. We have seen our parents doing hard work and they always told us to be confident and accept challenges. These family values

  • Essay On Nursing Application

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    After completing a career project in the sixth grade, I have not been able to see myself working in a career other than nursing. As early as I can remember, I was interested in books of the human body and having my mom tell me her experiences as a certified nursing assistant. I knew I wanted a career involved with helping people. My fascination with the human body became visible around the age of five. My mom says that I was curious as to what the “real” name of our body parts were called, such

  • Rehabilitation Observation

    1162 Words  | 5 Pages

    Rehabilitation Observation Rehabilitation therapy begins in the acute care hospital after a person’s overall condition has been stabilized. Patients can be admitted to the rehabilitation program from home, a hospital or other type of facility, provided they meet certain criteria. The rehabilitation unit at Palmetto Health Tuomey is located on the fifth floor. During our experience, we observed therapists and nurses working and interacting with clients of varying degrees of disabilities. The

  • Personal Statement

    721 Words  | 3 Pages

    have for the doctors who helped them along the way, has shown me the remarkable difference that doctors can make to a family’s life. This is what first inspired to study medicine; I got the chance to see how rewarding a career as a doctor would be. To get a better understanding of the variety of roles that doctors have, I undertook a week-long placement shadowing different respiratory consultants around a hospital. The experience showed me just some of the many responsibilities that doctors have, from

  • Personal Statement: A Career As A Pathologist

    658 Words  | 3 Pages

    March 2023 I will become a pathologist in the future. Have you ever heard of the most important doctor you will never see? It takes sacrifice and dedication to become one of these great doctors. They are known as pathologists. In this essay, I will explain how I will become a pathologist and what they do. I will also explain how much they make and what my life as a pathologist would look like. This doctor is so important, that we would not be able to do many things without them. Unfortunately, it is

  • Lewis Thomas Pressure Of The Medical Association

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    the Medical Association In the ever-changing world of medicine, the relationship between doctor and patient is often neglected. In “Leech, Leech, Et Cetera,” Lewis Thomas talks about how he did it and how nursing has evolved over the years. By quoting the definitions of medical terms has changed, Thomas points out, as has the medical profession. The doctors are. gradually the ability to have a personal relationship with their patients and consequently which depended solely on machines to do the work

  • Essay About Medical Science

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    study everything in the human body including its cells, tissues, organs and organ systems and how these organ systems combine and work together to make the whole human body that appears to us. The college of medicine will graduate doctors who have the knowledge to help patients to get rid of their pains and have the communication and interpersonal skills to communicate effectively with them. There are two points of views about medicine, either it is a science or it is an art. Medicine

  • Clinical Gaze In Frankenstein

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    deals with the transformation of doctor-patient relationships over time. Since the birth of modern medicine, Foucault states that doctors tend to view their patients more as a disease and less as a person. Before the improvements in science were made during the 19th century, doctor carefully listened to their patients and heavily relied on their narratives to make a diagnosis. Not only were these narratives were a central part to the doctor-patient relationship, but they also helped build a sense

  • Shadowing Patients: A Case Study

    755 Words  | 4 Pages

    health care. Shadowing doctors and volunteering in a hospital, I was fascinated by the unique language that separated the hospital from the world outside. Nurses soothing hysterical patients and families, surgical interns grappling for the best surgeries, doctors sniffing out drug-seeking patients- things you wouldn’t learn in med school in your textbooks. Part of this new language seemed cold and detached to me- just what my mother despised. For example, at times patients would be identified by

  • Why Is Henrietta Lacks Unethical

    1416 Words  | 6 Pages

    One of the most fundamental trust relationships is between a patient and their doctor. Physicians have supposedly earned their trustworthy title because of their extended education and desire to help others. However, this perception is being shattered by physicians violating patients’ trust by not providing all the information needed for making a responsible decision for a person’s health and performing unimaginable procedures. “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” provides multiple examples of

  • Ethical Issues In Medical Research

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    for the doctor to act as much as the responsibility required to treat people and save their bodies from pain and illness, because they have a message not practicing craft , for doctor must adhere to the noble morality that preserves the dignity of the patient in a manner that ensures the best possible health care for him, and maintains the status of the doctor who is tired for the convenience of people. ' ' Dr/ Khalida Nasr : Medical Ethics, Action and practice ' ' Adopt the relationship between

  • Patch Adams Analysis

    951 Words  | 4 Pages

    Good Health is a Laughing Matter, by Adams and Maureen Mylander. (Wikipedia) The movie is all about a medical school student, Patch Adams who is eager and passionate in helping patients in a way which his dean disagreed on. Despite being warned by his dean and lecturers, he still holds on his principle in treating the patient as a person, not treating the disease. Scene 1 During his stay in mental hospital, Patch Adams helped Rudy to overcome his fear on squirrels. He pretended to shoot down squirrels