O-Lan Essays

  • O-Lan In Ernest Hemingway's The Good Earth

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    already lined up on the table, a new-found luxury for Wang Lung since he married. His wife, O-lan, constantly provides him with necessities for life. In this isolated area of China during the early twentieth century, a woman is expected to stay quiet and well-behaved, as a slave to men. Technology could not be more distant, and the agrarian society still reigns supreme, emphasizing the importance of the land. O-lan’s lower status, plain appearance, and simple mind have much in common with the rugged

  • How Is Wang Lung's Marriage To O-Lan

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    fall. “ -- Aesop. In the book The Good Earth, Pearl Buck uses Wang Lung’s marriage to O-lan to show that as a unified people they make each other whole, and fill the gaps that the other has. Before Olan, Wang Lung had different views on schooling, slaves, farming, and loyalty. As Wang Lung married Olan they started very different because of the different up bringings of both of them. Neither O-lan nor Wang Lung went to school when they were children, so they didn’t find it necessary for

  • Greed In The Good Earth

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    Throughout The Good Earth we come across many tough conflicts both internally and externally, but even so, many of them we can relate to. Wang Lung, O-Lan, Lotus, Ching, and the rest of Wang Lung’s family all must deal with conflicts between each other, with nature, and within themselves. But they aren’t so different from us and we find ourselves in many of the same situations that our beloved characters do. Wang Lung deals with guilt and greed throughout the novel and it is something that most people

  • How Does Wang-Lung Change In The Good Earth

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    After him and O-Lan returned home, they began to work hard on producing crops from their land. Wang-Lung began to harvest land avidly, and birth flourishing crops. He began to acquire more and more money, and built a larger earthen house, adding more courts to comfortably fit all of his children and O-Lan. As Wang-Lung is becoming wealthier, he begins to change his attitude towards O-Lan, as she, in his eyes, is extraordinarily ugly. She does not fit

  • Lost Sister Cathy Song Summary

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    Asian American Cathy Song drew closer to her Korean-Chinese ancestry, and was able to describe in a clear image of the two women she represent, one being the industrial American women and the other one being the Chinese caretaker. Cathy Song was born and raised in Hawaii making her an American by birth right. This fact did not keep her from engulfing her Korean-Chinese heritage. In the poem “Lost Sister”, Song isolates a young girl who struggles to find who she truly is in China, because of all the

  • Joy Luck Club Character Analysis Essay

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    Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club is an amazing representation of what Chinese immigrants and their families face. The broad spectrum of the mothers’ and daughters’ stories all connect back to a couple of constantly recurring patterns. These patterns are used to show that how the mothers and daughters were so differently raised affected their relationships with each other, for better and for worse. To begin with, the ever-present pattern of disconnect between the two groups of women is used to show how

  • Wang Lung: The Virtuous Woman In The Good Earth

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    In the early 1900s, many women in the Chinese heritage were treated like slaves before they were married. Once they were married, their job was to bear the husband’s children and fulfill the household needs. However, in the novel “The Good Earth,” Wang Lung’s wife, O’lan, did not only bear his children and attend to the household needs, but she also worked in the fields with Wang Lung even when she was pregnant with his child. O’lan was always obedient to her husband and was always resourceful no

  • How Does Huck Present Wang Lung's Life In The Good Earth

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    The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck, tells the tale of Wang Lung as he transforms from a struggling farmer to a rich landowner. Despite the numerous struggles Wang Lung endures, his land always remains. Wang Lung’s love for his land come from the mental and physical healing the land gives to him. “Wang Lung was healed of his sickness of love by the good dark earth of his fields and he felt the moist soil on his feet and he smelled the earthy fragrance rising up out of the furrows.” (Buck 212) Wang

  • O Lan In The Good Earth

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    Characterization of O-lan Pearl S. Buck’s The Good Earth is a story about a poor farmer and his wife’s rise to wealth. In The Good Earth, Buck depicts Wang Lung’s wife, O-lan, as a near perfect person. O-lan is a very quiet and humble person who is content with living her rather simple and bland life. Similarities between O-lan and the Virtuous Woman of the Bible can also be seen as both woman are strong and always put their families first. The only exception to this comparison is the fact that

  • Compare And Contrast O-Lan And The Woman

    675 Words  | 3 Pages

    became stronger because of the hardship, like O-land from the Good Earth and the “Virtuous woman.” What makes them so similar is they are both hardworking people. Though there are many similarities, there are also a few differences. Both can be described simply because they have similar personalities as well. To survive in this world you need to be strong like O-lan and the Woman, while different they still did what needed to be done The characters of O-lan and the Woman are very similar in many ways

  • Character Analysis Of O-Lan In The Good Earth

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    O-lan: Virtuous Woman, Wife, and Mother O-Lan, “the good earth” as Wang Lung called her as she lies dying, is a major character from The Good Earth. But to say she is a major character does not do her justice, O-Lan is not just a major character, she is the major character. The quote “behind every great man there is an even greater woman” almost puts O-Lan’s personality into perspective. O-Lan, although a flat and static character, still greatly impacts the main storyline despite her not being very

  • The Earth And O-Lan In Pearl Buck's Into The Wild

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    slave, O-lan, sees hope when a man seeks to wed her. In her new home, she works hard and is productive to support her new family. Her husband, who has always relied upon the land, begins to rely upon her equally. Together, the earth and O-lan lead the Wang family to its destiny. In the novel by Pearl Buck, O-lan symbolizes the earth. Because the earth and O-lan are extremely productive, they are essential to the prosperity of the Lung family. When the Lungs were stricken with homelessness, O-lan knew

  • Theme Of Silence In Wang Lung's O-Lan

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    O-lan's most defining characteristic is her silence. She doesn't talk, she just does things. Wang Lung describes her like this: "[S]he never talked, this woman, except for the brief necessities of life. Wang Lung, watching her move steadily and slowly about the rooms on her big feet, watching secretly the stolid, square face, the unexpressed, half-fearful look of her eyes, made nothing of her" (2.16). Just like that description says, people ignore O-lan because she's silent. They take her for granted

  • Things Fall Apart O-Lan Quotes

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    to do that now because he has money. He can afford a beautiful wife who can bare him with more children if he pleases. However, the part that is so shocking is that O-lan has stuck by Wang Lung’s side throughout his ups and downs. But as soon as he is wealthy again she is not good enough for him, he could have bound her feet an bought her oil for her hair and small things that could make her more beautiful but instead he found another women that was more beautiful. Then he yelled at her as if it

  • The Good Earth By Wang Lung And His Wife O-Lan

    1341 Words  | 6 Pages

    still do not go as planned. A great example that displayed this type of result is from a Chinese novel entitled “The Good Earth”. The story of “The Good Earth” is about how events in Wang Lung’s life made drastic changes. Wang Lung and his wife O-lan were faced with many situations wherein their strength, efforts, and emotions were put to the test. They were both hard workers, especially when it put their success, survival, and most importantly, their family at risk. Were it not for the hard work

  • Attachment And Resilience

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    RUNNING HEAD: ATTACHMENT AND RESILIENCY Attachment and Resiliency Relationship among University Students in Turkey Dilara Özel Middle East Technical University Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1.Introduction to the Problem 1.2.Statement of the Problem 1.2.1.Hypothesis 1.2.2.Research Questions 1.3.Purpose of the Study 1.4.Significance of the Study 1.5.Definition of Concepts and Terms used in the study 2. Literature Review 3. Methodology 3.1. Research Design

  • Pros And Cons Of Wireless Network

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    devices. Together, NAT and DHCP make it possible for several network devices, such as PC, laptops, and printers to share a common Internet IP address. A wireless LAN router adds a built-in access point function to a multiport Ethernet router. Therefore combines multiple Ethernet networks with wireless connections. A typical wireless LAN router includes four Ethernet ports, an 802.11 access point, and a parallel port so it can be a print server. This gives wireless users the same ability as wired

  • 2.1 Wireless LAN Infrastructure Devices

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    2.1 Wireless LAN Infrastructure Devices Proper WLAN infrastructure design requires understanding and deploying QoS (Quality of Service) on the wireless network to ensure end-to-end data / video/voice quality on the entire network. Like a traditional wired LAN, WLAN is a grouping of computers and peripheral devices that share a common communications backbone. As per the name itself, a WLAN allows users to connect to the LAN through radio transmission. The below mentioned are the most common components

  • Symbolism In O Henry's The Gift Of The Magi

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    In the short story, “The Gift of the Magi”, written by, O' Henry, the theme is, when a person truly loves someone they are willing to sacrifice just about anything to see a loved one happy. Such message was demonstrated in the story through the usage of the following literary devices: irony, symbolism, and diction to set a tone. Irony is when the opposite of what is expected does not happen. Symbolism is a person, place, or thing that suggests more than its literal meaning. Diction is the word choice

  • To Kill A Mockingbird Characterization Essay

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    Characterization of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses Jean Louise (Scout) Finch as the narrator. Scout is now an adult and reflects on three very crucial summers during her childhood days. When Scout is first described in the novel, she is prone to violence, labels people based on class, denigrates people, uses racist language, and is prejudice (Seidel 1). All of these things show that she is childish at the beginning of the novel. A mature character would