Superman Essays

  • Is Superman A Hero

    694 Words  | 3 Pages

    Superman Villain or Hero Many people would argue that Superman is a hero of Earth, but many fail to realize the consequences of having a powerful man come into existence. One of the prices evil will always rise up to challenge a good-hearted person. In turn crime rates would drop down as hundreds of innocent lives are saved daily by Superman. Sadly, the question remains, would Superman still be perceived as a hero as time goes on? When it comes to the films such as Superman v. Batman, The Dark Knight

  • Essay On Superman

    993 Words  | 4 Pages

    There have been hundreds, if not thousands, of different incarnations of Superman, in the nearly eighty years of his existence. He was the first superhero, the Hercules of American culture. And, while he was created on the page, he wouldn't become fully realised until his cinematic debut. And, when I say, "cinematic debut", one of these probably comes to mind, but Superman actually made his leap to the silver screen in a cartoon, helmed by this guy, Max Fleischer. And, if the name seems familiar

  • Superman Smashes The Klan Is An Example Of The Lee Family In Superman

    945 Words  | 4 Pages

    Superman Smashes the Klan Analysis  Have you ever had trouble fitting in? Well, don’t give up! Superman Smashes the Klan is a great comic that displays this problem and shows you can always overcome your problems. This Comic was about the Lee family and Superman, the Lees were discriminated against to fit in and wanted them to change what they go by and what language they speak (even in their own home). And throughout the Comic Roberta and Superman struggle with their sense of belonging, where they

  • Theme Of Superman And Roburta's Truth In Superman Smashes The Klan

    1114 Words  | 5 Pages

    Emma Fraley Ms. Collins ELA 8 14 March 2023 Superman and Roburta’s Truth in Superman Smashes the Klan(sstk)  SUPERMAN VS THE KKK what is happening but more seriously what is happening to Lan-shin or Roberta or Clark Kent better known as our alien superhuman hero let’s find out how they feel on the inside and why they feel like outsiders. In the book Superman Smashes the Klan, it is about the Chinese-American/immigrants moving to Metropolis but then having

  • Superman Unauthoriized Biography

    1816 Words  | 8 Pages

    For many Americans a time when Superman and other masked heroes on our screens and in the local comic book store seems impossible. Today we see a new hero on the big screen almost every month, almost daily on our televisions and every time we step into a bookstore. But the modern superheroes that we all know and love are less than 100 years old. In the book Superman: The Unauthorized Biography by Glen Weldon, a self proclaimed comic book geek, the story of one of the earliest superheroes is laid

  • Superman Overrated Superhero

    304 Words  | 2 Pages

    The most overrated superhero is Superman. Superman is a character in the comics that never had to really work to get to where he is at. He basically had everything handed to him. In the comics, he’s around other characters like batman who not only had something traumatic happen to him in the past, he also worked hard to get to where he is at. On the other hand, Superman is just a character that decided that he wanted to be a superhero and just had the abilities to do it. In the earliest comics,

  • Is Superman A Hero Essay

    1468 Words  | 6 Pages

    It is a beacon of hope… donned by a three-foot-seven-inch little boy. One may ask, “Why is he dressed like this?” The answer is quite simple: Superman is this little boy’s hero. “‘Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!’” His role model is someone to be in awe of, but, ultimately, Superman is flesh and bone. The other heroes children dress up as: firefighters, police officers, or princesses are still human. These men and women are

  • Compare And Contrast Superman And Beowulf

    424 Words  | 2 Pages

    that Beowulf is most easily compared to is Superman. Although there are multiple differences amongst these two characters, there are a few similarities as well. Such similarities exist in appearances, as well as supernatural qualities. Moreover, Beowulf and Superman are both portrayed as heroes for their time. Both Beowulf and Superman travel far and wide to defeat villains, save people, and encourage others. Their appearances are similar as well. Superman and Beowulf are dry, muscular, and strong

  • Batman Vs Superman Analysis

    766 Words  | 4 Pages

    About 30 minutes into Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the first question that comes to your mind is: what the hell is going on? However, you don 't give up and wait for something interesting to happen in the film. Eventually, you will leave the auditorium just satisfied with the special effects of two high-budget action sequences. The idea of pitting Batman (Ben Affleck) against Superman (Henry Cavill) in a fist fight in itself is quite an ambitious task for any creators in the film-making

  • Superman And Me By Sherman Alexie

    488 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Superman and me,” by Sherman Alexie is about a boy, Sherman, who grows up in an Indian reservation and becomes different than most Indians around him. He began teaching himself to read and other things at a very young age. What he learned to read with was actually a superman comic book. The heroic vibe is definitely well used throughout the story. You can look at many different quotes in the story that would do the heroic vibe justice, but this one in particular sticks out; “I throw my weight against

  • Compare And Contrast Batman And Superman

    704 Words  | 3 Pages

    Batman v Superman The rivalry between the Gotham knight and the kryptonian has gone on for decades. Both are popular superheroes who do good for others, and fight for their city. Each have their own way of handling villains and the safety of the world but the argument always goes back to who is the better hero? Batman and Superman have fought alongside each other for years, yet they are always compared to one another. Through differences in abilities, adversity and goals, it is easy to compare and

  • Similarities Between Superman And Kamala

    644 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the books, Ms. Marvel and Superman Smashes the Klan the main characters Superman and Kamala are two very different people but they both face big problems and with the help of their friends they are able to solve them. Between the comics Ms. Marvel and SSTK, SSTK showed the theme you shouldn’t limit yourself to other people’s expectations.  One theme from SSTK that Superman showed was that you shouldn’t limit yourself to other people’s expectations. In SSTK, Superman brings Robera back to her house

  • Is Superman A Hero Or Archetypal Hero?

    457 Words  | 2 Pages

    consider who is a hero and who is not, a hero must consider different viewpoints. There are many types of heroes. Superman is considered an archetypal hero, who is played by Chris Reeves. Chris Reeves play as Superman who was, “raised with high moral ideals, he uses his incredible strength, speed, flight and various other superpowers to fight evil and protect the innocent.” (DC Wikia) Superman uses his abilities to save the innocent from

  • Sherman Alexie's Superman And Me

    346 Words  | 2 Pages

    The short autobiography titled Superman and Me written by Sherman Alexie really made me think about the way people grow up. Some people who grow up in a lower end family find ways to complain about it. Alexie was different though. He was poor and his family lived off of irregular paychecks and government surplus food. Alexie made the best of situations and I applaud that. When I read the autobiography I realized that I relate to it a little bit. When I was little I stayed at my grandparents

  • Compare And Contrast Superman And Sherman Alexie

    278 Words  | 2 Pages

    first learned how to read with a Superman comic. Throughout the essay Sherman Alexie uses an extended metaphor to describe the connection he has with Superman. Superman and Alexie both save lives even though they have different methods. “I am trying to save our lives.” Sherman Alexie tries to save people’s lives with books and knowledge. “One failure and you forget all the good I’ve done.” Superman constantly saves lives by using his powers. Sherman and Superman are both considered oddities even

  • Batman Vs Superman Research Paper

    1145 Words  | 5 Pages

    superpowers, a back story, and so on. Batman and Superman are a couple of superheroes from a wide variety of superhero comics. Both of them try to protect mankind from any hurt, harm, or danger that may come. A similarity between both of these superheroes is that they want justice in the world. With so much crime and torture going on in the world, mankind looks for a higher power to help stop it. It takes great courage for this to happen. Batman and Superman both want to be able to defeat evil for a greater

  • What Is The Theme Of Superman Smashes The Klan

    1419 Words  | 6 Pages

    Ms. Marvel and Superman rush in to help, but what happens when they have secrets and struggles of their own? Ms. Marvel is a comic book by G. Willow Wilson. In the book, Kamala Kan also known as Ms. Marvel struggles with how she fits at her school when she is a Muslim. She wants to fit in and be like everyone else without abandoning her religion. In the graphic novel, Superman Smashes the Klan (SSTK) by Gene Luen Yang and art by Gurihiru. Clark Kent who transforms into Superman has his own problems

  • Theme Of Racism In Superman Smashes The Klan

    533 Words  | 3 Pages

    but much like most pieces of media consumed, can be used to present a larger and more important truth. Both Superman Smashes the Klan (SSTK) by Gene Yang and Ms. Marvel No Normal by G. Willow Wilson address the theme of racism through their comic books. SSTK portrays the story of a Chinese family moving into Metropolis, with the KKK trying and failing to eliminate them, thanks to Superman. On the other hand, Ms. Marvel narrates the story of a Muslim girl who becomes a superhero and faces struggles

  • How Does Superman Affect Society

    1197 Words  | 5 Pages

    Superman; the all-American hero who has lasted for over three quarters of a century (Impact of Superman). It’s nearly impossible for a comic book character to exist that long and not change, and Superman is no exception. In fact, from sporting a mullet to fighting Nazis, he changes a lot. These changes may seem random at times, but they make sense when put under this lens; Superman is just mirroring America. Superman comics have changed to reflect society most notably during Great Depression, WWII

  • Superman And Me By Sherman Alexie Analysis

    480 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie In Sherman Alexie’s autobiographical essay, he uses an extended metaphor to compare and contrast himself and a fictional character Superman. Illustrations that was used by Alexie made a huge impact on this essay. It helps the readers better understand what is being said in Alexie’s “Superman and Me”. On this essay, Alexie mentions how he can see his family being a paragraph. Also, one of an extended metaphor that was used is how Superman and Alexie broke