Affective Domain Of Teaching Essay

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The affective domain of the teaching – learning process

Schools often send enormous amounts of time on teaching “achievement” and “effective teaching strategies, “ when the focus needs to be on relationship building. In other words, the affective domain of teaching. We are all very familiar with the cognitive domain of teaching, enhancing the student’s ability to understand the subject matter being delivered. Furthermore, the teachers who do a “good job” will also help the student to see how the subject matter is related to useful in day-to-day life. The affective domain of the teaching – learning process is enhancing the student’s emotional development by enhancing his self-esteem, self – efficacy and making him feel that he is a capable, …show more content…

She wants us to read 30 pages of some book in one day. Man, I can’t even read one page of that book. I never read that sort of English before. All these words, twas and hether to; what kinda language that be? Ain’t no language I ever hear.”

An Example that would hinder relationship building would be – commenting on his dress in a negative way, looking embarrassed to be seen with him or correcting his English.

An Example that would help relationship building would be – saying nothing about his dress or style of speech and engaging him in a conversation about his English what about English he has enjoyed in the past. Maybe talking about old style English and how it isn’t so difficult once we understand the few words and expressions that are different. Ask if he would like to read some of the novel together. However, let him decide. The fact that he is mentioning this means that he is looking for some sort of support in the matter.

When we understand the deposits that are valued by students from poverty, the relationship is stronger.

Support systems are networks of relationships – when a school system cares about students, promotes student achievement (both cognitive and affective domain, as well as extra curricular), being role models and insisting (as well as nurturing) appropriate

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