
Annotated Bibliography: Child Abuse And Neglect

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Aishah Abdul-matin Mr. J. Partin English 112-FON07 04/01/18 Annotated Bibliography Peled, Einat, et al. The meaning of running away for girls. Child abuse & neglect, vol. 33, no. 10, Oct. 2009, pp. 739-749 In this article, Einat Peled focuses on how run-away girls leave home and the meaning they attribute to it. Her assertions and theories are to help her see these experiences and to find out how these girls managed to come from a home of loneliness, detachment, significant relationships to coping for a better future. She also looks for an understanding from various triggers that may have led to the decision to leave home and be portrayed as a "living suicide". Peled understands that not only does these young girls have to face these …show more content…

It focuses on the death from abuse and neglect of nearly 68% of children 4 years old and younger. The consequences of child maltreatment can be severely damaging to a child and can result in poor health, depression, cancer, premature death, and substance abuse into adulthood. It talks about the different type of abuse and neglect whether physical, medical, educational, emotional and sexual. Abandonment is the most common type of commitment in contradiction of children. It also focuses on the solutions and outcomes of helping new parents gain knowledge of basic parenting skills by matching new families with trained nurses or …show more content…

The company was founded in 1972 In Chicago and works to aide in healthy development in children and prevent child abuse from occurring. They have a 50 state capital chapter network that works everyday to promote activities that work to make a difference locally and nationally. The program also helps nearly 100,000 families a year through a program called Healthy Families America. Their services focus on shaking baby syndrome prevention, sexual safety, child sexual abuse prevention, peer abuse, bullying, and many more. Their vision is a nation in which no child is ever abused or neglected and believe that help from the public, policy makers, and corporate partners that this idea can be a reality. It’s a known organization that helps abused children, providing mainly pathos appealing to the audience. It tells you what to report, and what will take place once they report abuse. This source is useful by providing solutions that those who are looking to help abused children

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