Effects Of Overdependence On Technology

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Name: Lee Zhi Sheng English 093: Section 1 Assignment 2: Cause and Effect Essay Date: June 22 2015 The Effects Of Overdependence on Technology Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry, where tools and devices are developed from the application of scientific knowledge or the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences (Oxford dictionary definition). How much technology are you using daily? In the morning, you walk towards your kitchen, and use your beverage maker to produce yourself a drink, and check your mobile phone to see whether you received any important crush messages. You open the fridge and take out some full cream milk and pour it on your cereal for breakfast …show more content…

Uncontrolled usage of electronic gadgets is weakening one’s memory. Student of the latest generation seems to have some difficulties either with writing a complete sentence or without spelling errors because of the frequent usage of text message with automatic correction of grammars. Also, today’s students are also better at recalling where to look for information rather than remembering information itself. Of course, the substantial and swift development of technology has its optimistic results on education when classes have become more dynamic and interesting between teachers and students with technology involved. Furthermore, students nowadays can convey and communicate with their lecturers and acquire all the essential information via the …show more content…

For example, technology improves the environment in terms of the intense and sophisticated methods of agriculture, enables us to construct better quality houses that can withstand earthquakes and tsunami. Nevertheless, sometimes excessive land exploitation due to the effectiveness of new equipment can diminish the soil’s fertility. Cars, factories, and power plants also pollute the air by emitting huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), which can, eventually, initiate and trigger an ozone hole on the stratosphere of the Mother earth later. Additionally, usage of fuels can also contaminate the air. For example, burning any kind of fossil fuel releases toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air. These different kinds of pollution caused by the speedy development of technology can lead to increasing the temperature of the earth and cause global environment problems such as global warming, thinning of ozone layer, climate changes and ocean

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