
Banned Books In Fahrenheit 451, By Ray Bradbury

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"Banned." The word alone sprouts dark, negative emotions, primarily associated with books. The dictionary explains the word "banned" as "to prohibit, forbid, or bar; interdict," or even "to pronounce an ecclesiastical curse upon." People and society banned books ever since long ago, from the children's book of Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss to Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl and ironically Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Even the classic children's fairy tale The Grimm Brothers' Fairy Tales could not escape from the censorious eyes of the people and society. But why do people ban books? Are there effects resulted from the banned books? Is banning a book a suitable response to objectionable content? At first, The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm did not start off with the currently given name. In fact, the Grimm brothers, two very close siblings who loved stories, initially called the book Children's and Household Tales, written from their vast collections of …show more content…

Although many banned the story in numerous places due to inappropriate content such as violence, sexual content, alcoholism, and sexism, profuse amounts of fans opposed the banned books, as they are children's literature passed on from generations to generations. People argue that the books are part of the culture, and should not be banned. Just because the books include dark themes, "that does not mean that children cannot learn valuable moral lessons from the stories" (Rosenthal) Banning books simply adds and fuels curiosity and taunt to readers, tempting and tantalising them to read the books. Additionally, Disney shed new light on the stories, especially Cinderella, when they focused on the brighter and more hopeful themes. The motif of Cinderella in the new movies is about a poor young girl finding her true love and success, which soon inspired many other movies and books with similar

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