Essay On Aesthetic Dentistry

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Introduction: A beautiful smile is a gateway to the world. Dale Carnegie said that one of the most important ways to win friends and influence friends and people is to smile. In our modern competitive society, a charming smile can open doors and knock down barriers that stand between us and a fuller. (1) One of the most important objectives of aesthetic dentistry is to create an ideal smile. Advances in dental materials and laboratory techniques have led to excellent mimicry of the natural dentition with crowns, veneers, and composite restorations. (1)(2) Dentists must explain and educate patient about different dental procedures achieving a great smile and acceptable aesthetics Gingival hyper-pigmentation: It is a condition commonly due to abnormal deposition of melanin in the gingival, or any other endogenous or exogenous factors, these factors can be genetically, heavy metals, peutz jeghers' syndrome, drugs and endocrine disturbances. Smoking may also strongly contribute to the gingival pigmentation depending on the duration …show more content…

Exposed operation field was irrigated with saline and covered with a periodontal dressing pack. Antibiotics were prescribed (amoxicillin) for 5 days and analgesics for 3 days, patient were instructed to use 0.2 % chlorohexidine gluconate mouth wash every 12 hours. Patient was recalled after one week examination showed perfect healing, after 1 month examination revealed completed re-epithelialization and healthy gingival, after 3 months appeared healthy with no sign of re-pigmentation.

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