
Biblical Worldview: The Big Bang Theory

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Biblical Worldview Paper
What is Worldview? A Worldview is how we look at the world around us. It is a person’s felicity of life and the lens where we see things. A worldview can also be described as a filter or lens from which one sees and interprets the world and all that it represents. A worldview can also be described as a filter or lens from which one sees and interprets the world and all that it represents. A worldview, then, is a response of our heart or inner being: our intellect, emotion, and will. It is the total framework we bring to decision-making. 112 words
Question of Origen
A widely accepted theory for the origin and evolution of the universe is The Big Bang Theory which states that the universe began as an incredibly …show more content…

“What will happen to me when I die? “This is a highly important question in the Christian worldview we believe in eternal life after death. Is there life after death? I think it depends on our choice and our personal relationship with God. Our choice of receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior or not while living on earth is believed to determine our eternal state in two literal places called Heaven and Hell. In contrast, the worldview of Secular Humanism believes death is final, and there is no life after death. Therefore to the Secular Humanist, only what mankind has done in his attempt to leave a positive legacy lives on (Weider and Gutierrez, 2011, pg. 63-
65). 127 words.

How might/should a biblical worldview influence the way you think about, treat, and speak to others on a daily basis?
Having a biblical worldview helps me remember what God says in his scripture” Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.We should treat others with respect and love for them and we should never be mean to others. We should love one another like God loves us.
How might /should a biblical worldview influence the way you treat interact with the environment and non-human creation?
God created the heavens and the earth and we should treat it with respect the same way that we treat people. We should love our world and everything in it because it could be gone in an instant. It is a beautiful

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