
Bruce Tuckman's Model Of Small Group Development

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Tucker's Model In 1965, Bruce Tuckman proposed a straightforward model of small group development and their interaction with each over time. Tuckman's model had four phases of development, forming, storming, norming, and performing, until 1977. Tuckman alongside Jensen returned to the model and chose to include another phase called adjourning. Figure 1 shows Tucker's model. How quick a group moves through this model relies on the individuals of the group and any difficulties they may face. To decide the phase a group might be in, extensively, their enthusiasm and skill level compared to their previous levels. As shown in Figure \ref{TuckModel} the initial four phases form a cycle. Ideally, a group will advance through the four phases stopping …show more content…

For instance, if the group was in the forming stage and their enthusiasm drops while their skill level remains the same then they have moved to the storming stage. Moreover, if the group is in the storming stage and their enthusiasm increases alongside their skill level, they have moved to the norming stage. To figure out whether the gathering has moved from the norming stage to the performing stage the group's enthusiasm level rises, but their skill level remains the same. In any case, if a group's enthusiasm level drops and their skill level remains the same in the norming or performing stage, they have backtracked to a previous stage, more than likely the storming …show more content…

A group will know whether it's in the performing because of their high enthusiasm and high skill. Since the group is focused on their task and their roles are adaptable and functional, the group is most productive at this stage. After rebuilding in the norming stage from the harm brought about in the storming stage, the group individuals are profoundly motivated to work. The group leader ought to become an "enabler" or "consultant" at this stage ensuring the individuals have what the assets they need to finish their task. This stage is identified with a mature adult. At this point of their life, the adult knows and comprehends the things that should be done, and how to do them. Adjourning Stage Either by the completion of the task given to the group or the group choosing not to be a group any longer, the group will cease to exist. This stage is called adjourning. With closure, a group can disband with positive feelings towards each other and the achievements they made. However, without closure, a group may not realize the achievements they made and can disband with ill feelings towards each other. This can affect how the people in the group will work in future groups. This stage will be referred to as death. Only one thing is guaranteed in life, and that is

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