
Case Study Sick Leave

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Sick Leave Case Study
In this week’s assignment, we will discuss the Sick Leave case study. First, we will look what this dispute is about for Kelly and Mr. Higashi, and if compromise is possible in this dispute. Next we will discuss how cross-cultural communications had an impact on this negotiation. Finally we will focus some of factors that influenced this situation, and which of these factors are more important.
The Dispute Let us start off this week’s assignment by looking at what this dispute means for each party (Kelly and Mr. Higashi) presented in this week’s case study. From the information that we are presented in the case study this dispute means several things for each party involved. For Kelly it appears on one …show more content…

This study has so many factors that affected the situation, we will start off by looking at some of the factors from Kelly. One major factor that can be seen is when Kelly is selected to go to Japan for the new job she assumes her previous four month stay in the country has prepared her for this job and she forgoes the CLAIR immersion training. Kelly was also not prepared to be placed in a small provincial town and deal with the hierarchy of a traditional Japanese office. Several times throughout the case study it is stated that Kelly does not respect Mr. Higashi because she believed that his Japanese leadership style and the way he interacted with her was very chauvinistic and that he was not a very good manager. Finally Kelly and her fellow ALTs did not respect Mr. Higashi’s leadership abilities, they believed him to be inept at his job and only concerned with earning the advancement to the position of principal (Lewicki, Saunders, & Barry, …show more content…

Another major factor that appears to have had great influence on this situation was the attitude and behavior of the ALTs (Mark and Suzanne) they both disliked Mr. Higashi and openly complained about his incompetence and the Japanese style of management. Ultimately it can be said that both sides in this issue did not fully understand or respect the other party.
In this week’s assignment, we discussed the Sick Leave case study. First, we looked at what this dispute was about for Kelly and Mr. Higashi, and if compromise was possible in this dispute. Next we discussed how cross-cultural communications impacted in this negotiation. Finally we focused on some of factors that influenced this situation, and which of these factors were more

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