Puberty In Early Adulthood

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Puberty is something that every single human goes though , any race any gender. Puberty usually happens at around the same age for everybody but this age seems to be getting earlier and earlier for girls, In this research we will determine whether puberty is actually happening earlier than it did years ago and if so what could the causes be . We will examine factors that could link to puberty such as hormones, food and pregnancy. The age you would usually hit puberty is between the ages 8 and 12 , boys do tend to start a bit later than boys do. Puberty happens in 3 stages for girls it is developing breasts , starting to grow pubic hair and then menstrual cycles . In puberty you do not only get affected physically but mentally too.
This research is important to determine if the early puberty is true and that we do not assume that it is getting earlier and earlier because we are told that it is and it just seems as if every generation is getting it earlier and earlier when it could be something like it is genetic for certain people to get earlier periods than others. We need to do …show more content…

Hexylresorcinol -this substance is used as a preservative in shellfish. Genistein is a naturally occurring substance in soy, fava beans and other foods. Phthalates- have been banned in children’s products, but have now migrated into the food industry with things like plastic tubing and packaging used in food processing. Milk has shown the largest amount of

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