
Male Underachievement Research Paper

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Darity Jr., A. W. (2008). International encyclopedia of the social sciences 2nd edition. Underachievers (pp. 483-485) Detroit, Michigan. Macmillan Reference, USA.

Darity Jr.’s chapter on Underachievers offers insight on the nature and causes of underachievement. This chapter defines underachievement as someone performing lower than they capable of performing. The measures that are commonly used to assess a person who is considered an underachiever is the IQ test where their score is lower than the average person their age, through academic tests scores and teachers observations that may sometimes be biased. This chapter outlines the causes of underachievement to be …show more content…

The research findings concluded that improving classroom by following specific programs and strategies, is an important approach that can be utilized in aiding with male underachievement. The authors of this article are from the University of Otago in New Zealand and works in the Christchurch Health and Development Study department. As teachers and researchers, the study conducted is not biased and is valid showing what the results say on male underachievement and approaches that have been tested to aid in aiding with male underachievement. This article critically assesses the causes of male underachievement which can be used in my paper to show that males underperform.
Watson, A., Kehler, M., Martino, W. (2010) The problem of boys’ literacy underachievement: raising some questions. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 53 (5), 356-361.

In this journal article, the area that has been reported that girls outperform boys is in literacy. The cause of male underachievement in literacy is not based upon …show more content…

The factors stated by this article that contribute to male underachievement are socio-economic factors, educational factors, family structure, ethnicity and personal characteristics. An individual’s health, learning capabilities, motivation, self-esteem, the level of their parents involvement, the curriculum being taught and the structure of the classroom are other factors that contribute to male underachievement. Underachievement is seen just as other sources as having the school play an important role in underachievement. The policy and practices of schools affect achievement for students based on the factors previously listed. The authors of this book are both members of the Centre for Educational Research at the London School of Economics and have many years conducting research and their findings have been reviewed before the book can be published which makes their points valid and reliable. Some of the factors that contribute to underachievement that this book

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