
Ccu Reflection

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As I reflect on the past 15 months of attending CCU. I recall the excitement, and the overwhelming stress of having to work full time and attend online college. I was not sure that I could complete my degree at fifty years old. Because of being out of school for over 30 years. I was somewhat reluctant to give it a try. With many prayers and asking God for his favor, grace, along with the focus and tenacity to understand all that was ahead of me. However, after researching several universities, I felt strongly God was leading me to enroll at CCU. This verse comes to mind in writing this paper, “Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say” (Exodus 4:12 NIV). Reflection Paper Introduction The Bible teaches us that our first calling is to serve Christ. My calling to finish my bachelor degree had been heavy …show more content…

The article pointed to the several researches defining critical thinking skills. If I was taught 20 years ago what I know now. I am sure I would have been more prepared with the knowledge and skills of framing my mind to the critical thinking skills. Putting the skills and knowledge and applying them to my younger life. The article describes critical thinking as many different observations of one’s worldview. The research suggests a moral perspective or a set of values, (Mason, p.3. 2009). These moral, values, which inspires one’s critical thinking skills are based on race, culture, and background. Critical thinking skills is a framework for thinking independently of a person insight of one’s own position weather, these skills are weak, or strong. These skills are how were show courage and humility. The Apostle Paul struggles with weakness and suggest to his readers, “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties, for when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians

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