
Historical Background Of Child Welfare In The United States

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Historical Background of Child Welfare 1. Throughout history, many families and parents have been unable or unfit to take care of their children. Whether the family is just too poor to support the child’s needs, or the parents are abusive or victims of substance abuse and are unfit to be loving and caring parents, child welfare has become important in helping kids all around the world. 2. These problems have been very important in history because many children have been abused, neglected, and hurt. This effects their lives in the future and must be addressed. 3. Welfare is changing. The 19th century was the beginning of institutions and ways to help situations like this, but it is counting to grow. In 1853, Foster Care starting coming into …show more content…

In the 19th century when many social changes occurred, this was when the aspect of child welfare became somewhat addressed. Institutions such as orphanages became prevalent. Then, investigations of families and children in poorhouses, and then foster care and so on. 5. Near the end of the 19th century, the government started intervening when children’s basic needs were not being met in households. The New York Society or the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was founded in 1874. BY 1900 there were over 250 agencies like this, benefiting children. 6. The policies have changed over time because more things have been added and the government became more involved over time. There are many more services now but they are all government run. 7. The legislative history of childhood welfare mainly begins with the Social Security Act of 1935, then the Aid to Dependent Children, the Aid to Dependent Children Foster Care, The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, the Indian Child Welfare Act, the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, MEPA, ASFA, Court Reform, and the Promoting Safe and Stable Families Amendments of 2001. Description of …show more content…

Child Welfare helps children all around the world to have their needs met and be put in families who will cater to those needs, and it helps families struggling financially to provide the proper care for their family. 4. New practices and types of child welfare are implemented often, including more Acts, agencies, and programs. 5. The main goals of child welfare are safety, permanency, and child and family well being. 6. Medicaid can fund child welfare programs and there are public and private grant funds. 7. State legislators oversee and coordinate child welfare policies. 8. In order to test effectiveness of policies, they can document and see how children and families end up and if the child’s needs are met after going through these services. 9. Child Welfare is expected to exist for a long time, but hopefully the causes and needs for it decrease over the years and it will not be as prevalent and necessary. 10. There are data archives that rely on social science and collect data on the efficiency of the policy and help understand things about children and the situations they are

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