
Classroom Observation

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I = Ideas
Chapter 3 discussed how to meet the literacy needs of diverse learners. Linguistic diversity, cultural diversity, and cognitive and academic diversity were all discussed in the chapter and I have viewed each of them in multiple classroom settings. I observed a kindergarten bilingual classroom where instruction was taught in English and Spanish. A second-grade classroom that I observed consisted of diverse students from different cultural backgrounds and the teacher worked to make these students feel welcomed and also incorporated awareness of other cultures into her lessons. Also in a second-grade classroom that I observed the students were diverse cognitively and academically and the teacher worked to ensure the students were accommodated …show more content…

All the students first language is Spanish and they were receiving instruction in both Spanish and English which is different from the other three kindergarten classes in the school that receive instruction in only English. This classroom was full of environmental print in both English and Spanish as well as objects in the room being labeled in both languages. Students were working on their alphabet which the teacher was displaying on the projector. They would first say the letter in Spanish then they would pronounce the letter in English. I enjoyed this class because it was the first time I was introduced to a bilingual classroom.
In a second-grade classroom that I observed the students were very diverse. The teacher created a classroom environment that was welcoming to all her students. The library was full of books which also offered multicultural literature and on the day I observed the class was participating in a shared reading that was from a culture different from the students in the classroom. After the reading, the teacher and students participated in a discussion about the literature and compared their traditions and customs to those of the child discussed in the

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