
Colonial Changes In New England

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100 years after Columbus first arrived in the Americas, the first of 13 colonies, Virginia, was settled. Little did they know that 400 years later, these colonies would evolve and become one of the most powerful nations on Earth. With the colonists populating both southern and northern area, many aspects of the colonies changed. Not only did the colonies change because of the climate and topography (which was inevitable) but also because of the people who lived there. New England was primarily composed of people searching for religious freedom, the Southern Colonies had wealthy people looking for land to grow their plantations, and the middle colonies, the most ethnically diverse, consisting of people searching for a new and wealthier life. …show more content…

In the northern colonies there were never-ending mountains with peaks that stretched higher than a 50 story building. However, while traveling south, vast plains and massive plantations would be near impossible to miss. The summers in New England were relatively warm but the winters were much longer and colder. The fact that New England was closer to the north, made the weather resemble England and France. This caused the growing season to be shortened, giving it only a 5 month period. Another factor that contributed to this short growing period is the unfertile, rocky and sandy soil. The soil had become low in quality because that area had once been covered by glaciers. When they melted, all the rich soil was scraped off the ground and drifted through New England’s mountains and hills until it reached the south. The climate in the middle colonies was relatively hot. This caused a longer growing season compared to New England’s. The rain and sunshine was ideal. This combined with mostly plains (a few hills) and the rich soil (which was scraped down from New England) made the land very fertile. This land was good for rye, corn, wheat and also some vegetables. Due to this, they are now known as the “Breadbasket” colonies. However, the climate in the Southern Colonies was perfect for farming. It was very warm all year long and with just the right amount of rain. This made it so they had a very long growing season …show more content…

The Southern colonies differed in that slave labor was crucial to their society. In New England everyone helped with the family chores. It didn’t matter whether you were 5 or 50. As long as you could walk, there would be something for you to do. Even though the soil was weak in quality and very rocky, they still managed to farm some crops including corn, rye, peas, squash and pumpkins. In their farms they would raise various animals such as chicken, sheep, cows and pigs. In their towns, most people were very helpful towards each other. They would help their neighbors if they needed to build a barn or if they had had a week harvest. They wouldn’t use African slaves because the farms were either too small or too poor. People of New England also had public buildings such as Puritan churches and a meeting house for the adult men. In the Middle Colonies most of the jobs were very hands on. The men partook in jobs such as blacksmiths, carpenters, farmers, craftsmen, fishermen, miners and others. This work would normally be very extensive. The women would stay home in order to cook, clean and take care of the children. They could also own shops or make soap and candles. The kids would help around the house with their mother’s chores and feed the animals. Even though there were many different ethnicities, predominantly being from English, Polish, Dutch, French, or German origin, most of them would go to Christian church. This

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